NO : The Worst Story To Be Ironically Written
This is what I'd like to call 'FUCK YOU' story telling. Every cliché and horrible scenarios played out by the most Mary Sues of characters, written by the top 1% of the top 1% pimpmaster hustledaddy of bad story-writing. This is a melting pot of a literate writer's worst nightmare; created by a self-proclaimed narcissistic 'writer' (hahano) within the disguise of releasing her own crippling self doubt regarding the stories she had previously written. Featuring all your favorite characters to shade; like the stereotypical 'leather jacket badboy who is actually a real softie' to scoop the other stereotypical 'good girl Disney princess who can take care of herself' off her feet and off to a predictable adventure filled with kidnapping and tears, set in a universe where physics and common sense is replaced by Deus Ex Machina almighty. If you're a big fan of sarcasm oozing out of every pore in this abomination of a story (aka a masochist), please make it your primary form of recreation to cringe while reading ever chapter! It's so bad, it's (hopefully) good. The only way to make it better would be to set a default font of Comic Sans.…