Curse Of The Clashing Worlds
Weekly Update! I started this book 2 years ago and I had to stop writing because of school. Now, I'm back and I can't wait to show you all what I have in store for my book!Book Description: In the future, a new world is discovered linking past events to the present. Three people journey to a world within their world. Along the journey, truth to past events surfaces while those threatened by this seek to find and destroy anyone who may reveal it. This takes place in a dystopian world full of pollution and rats may be the answer to everything. Sam, Sarah, and Tony go on a quest that will forever change their lives and the lives of people on Earth. Will it be for the better or the worse?© 2022 PearlsByShirl . All rights reserved.All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permissions contact: @PearlsByShirl…