Double Life
Healing abilities have gone down throughout the years causing the government to create a special program to find young children with powerful healing abilities. This program was also meant for kids with expectation power ability as well. The program was still under work and with the lack of funding, not the best maintain program causing abuse and torture. The public eye was not aware of this. Maria and Mark had gotten a letter from the program promising their son a great future with his powerful healing abilities and blood manipulation powers. They agreed and signed him up at the age of five to join this program. After a month of the program, half of the kids had gone missing including Mason Pines. All the parents were notified as soon as it happened and they were told that they were looking for them. After weeks of searching also all of them were found expect for Mason. Years Later, Mabel and her childhood friends William and Bill now attend one of the top hero schools in Gravity falls. Bill was working as a part time hero since his internship required field work so he could graduate. For an undercover mission, Bill was sent to an underground club to find a flash drive that was stolen from a villain. He received aid from a random boy that would change his life forever.…