PUBLISH OR PERISH | @Omega_to_Alpha Version
Come one! Come all!This is not your average storytelling session! Oh no, sir! This is an arena, custom made for writers like me, like you, like any of the pronouns. This is where we enter with our writing tools as weapons. With our pens blazing, we set out to get the word out!So, what are you waiting for? Get out those rusty, crumpled sheets out of their dumps. Get those gears running.GET. ON. WITH. STORIES.Fell in love with reading at first sight?No problem! This is a collection of my stories, both prose and verse, crafted by my inexperienced yet eager hands, forged with blood, tears and sweat of me and my comrades alike! There will be plenty to go by!Wanna write your own piece, get your words seen or simply want to explore more? On it! Check out our collaborative work at @w-static .The words rain down upon us as we take up our pens/keyboards, and WRITE OUR SOULS OUT!*******************************************************************************Credit for the beautiful cover goes to my buddy @arty_enigma . That's not her only feat though...…