One Minute Melee: Scrapadactyl vs Therizinosaurus
These two bird like dinosaurs are battling it out, who will win? The Scrapadactyl, the metallic winged lizard of the Mechazoic Era, or the Therizinosaurus, the razor clawed theropod herbivore?…
These two bird like dinosaurs are battling it out, who will win? The Scrapadactyl, the metallic winged lizard of the Mechazoic Era, or the Therizinosaurus, the razor clawed theropod herbivore?…
Goosebumps vs Monster Hunter, Which deadliest beast will be the Apex Predator? The Blob that ate everyone, or the Tigrex, The Wyvern that is Absolute Power!…
Transformers vs Jurassic World! Who will win this DBX, Rampage, the Constructicon, or Indominus Rex, Jurassic World's Genetically Modified Hybrid Dinosaur.…