Fucking periods
I hate them…
I hate them…
Wooooooo I'm back…
Yay! So I decided to try and write some short stories as I'm doing them for school and thought it would be fun to make some extra and post the ones I made in class they all have prompts so they might be kinda all over lol but yeah!…
Educineiufnceuifnc eee painting…
Yeah... art!…
Nooo I have t9 go back…
Lol a book for a book 🤣…
Tag people lol…
Idk know what ti title this lol…
Ranting read if you want...…
Periods I hate 'em…
Not bout followers lol…
Idk tbh...…
No, I'm not gonna commit suicide!!!!…
I'm wearing this and no one can stop me!!!!!…
Unfollowing spree…