ItaFushi one-shots
A collection of my Itafushi one-shots!Originally posted on AO3, but now sharing them here for you to enjoy. 🌸✨ Warning: Many of these stories include manga spoilers, but don't worry-I'll mark them so you can read safely!…
A collection of my Itafushi one-shots!Originally posted on AO3, but now sharing them here for you to enjoy. 🌸✨ Warning: Many of these stories include manga spoilers, but don't worry-I'll mark them so you can read safely!…
Over one unforgettable summer spent with his best friends, Yuuji falls in love with the stars, the ocean, and the boy who lights up his whole world.It's just that, sometimes, things are more complicated than they seem, and sometimes the stars are not what they appear to be.But Yuuji has never been afraid of the unknown. He's just scared of losing what he loves.…
After messing up his signature move in a competition, Yuuji goes to the skate park at night, determined to clear his head. But, he stumbles upon another skater who is just as talented, if not more.So, obviously, he's determined to befriend him.---"As the mature, responsible adult that he was, Megumi decided to deal with his problem by avoiding the situation completely.It was a solid plan. He couldn't screw it up.Not going anywhere near the skatepark was the logical thing to do. It was the sensible solution.He would be safe and sound, and free from any further awkward interactions with the local prodigy, who just so happened to be very friendly, and also very cute. And probably straight. Not that it mattered. Because he was a no-go zone, completely off limits.And Megumi wasn't interested at all."…
MANGA SPOILERS!Yuji dies in the battle against Sukuna in Shinjuku. When he wakes up in the infirmary, he finds that he's in the past, before the events of the Culling Game, and the Shibuya Incident. Yuji must try to avoid making the same mistakes, and find a way to defeat the King of Curses and save the people he cares about. But first, he must find a way to deal with his own trauma and come to terms with the future he left behind.---"Sensei," Yuji spoke up suddenly, snapping Gojo out of his thoughts.Gojo looked over at him."Yes, Yuji?""I want you to kill me."…
Megumi's divine dogs have a weird habit of disobeying him, whenever it comes to being affectionate with Yuuji. They always listen to his other commands, sure, but when it comes to being cute and fluffy in Yuuji's presence, the only thing Megumi can do is sit back and watch his own dogs become little shits.And it would be fine, really. He has other shikigami, after all. But when even Nue starts going out of its way to try and please Yuuji, well, Megumi thinks he's a little fucked.---Or, five times Megumi's shikigami were affectionate with Yuuji, and one time Megumi finally was.…
In the aftermath of the battle against Sukuna, the sorcerers have won, but their world is shattered. They lost their friends and allies, and they are grieving.Yuuji is dealing with his grief and guilt by taking care of Megumi, who is in a coma.As Megumi begins to recover, Yuuji helps him through the process.---"We won, Fushiguro." He said. "But why does it feel like we lost?"…
Yuji is hit by a cursed technique that makes him say every thought that comes into his mind. This would be fine, except for the fact that his most prominent thought is how much he wants to make out with his best friend.Megumi is not amused. Gojo and Nobara are having a blast. Yuji just wants to cuddle.---"Yuji-kun, I'm so glad you're alive," Gojo said, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You're a gift to this world.""You're a terrible teacher," Megumi said, scowling at him."Fushiguro, why would you say that? Gojo-sensei is awesome and wonderful. He's a great teacher. I want to hug him."…
April Sykes a jövőből érkezik, egyenesen 1995-be, hogy megakadályozza a Roxfort Ostromában elesett harcosok halálát. De aki az idővel játszik, soha nem jár jól... Sikerül-e Aprilnek túlélni a kalandot és végigvinni a küldetését? És mi történik, ha mindeközben rátalál a szerelem...?…