The Mirage Hunt
"The Mirage Hunt" is an action-packed, dystopian adventure that follows the journey of three unlikely heroes, Jake, Emma, and Maya, as they venture into a world plagued by mysterious and deadly "Mirages". Illusions that entrap people using deceitful appearances, often luring victims with beautiful sights. Jake, a seasoned soldier, is tough and brave, with a no-nonsense approach to life. Emma, a brilliant scientist, possesses a thirst for knowledge and a drive to uncover the truth behind the mirages. And then there's Maya, a powerful mystic who wields ancient knowledge and mystical powers to help guide the group on their journey.Together, they embark on a dangerous mission to reach the source of this ancient evil, in an attempt to stop the mirages once and for all. But their journey is far from easy, as they must navigate through a world filled with treacherous terrain, mutated wildlife, violent gangs, and of course the Mirages, which grow and evolve alongside the character's journey. With their lives on the line, Jake, Emma, and Maya must use their skills and abilities to overcome challenges and outwit their enemies in an attempt to save the world. Join Jake, Emma, and Maya on a heart-pumping adventure through a world filled with danger, mystery, and unexpected twists that will keep you guessing.(THIS IS A BETA READ, I DO NOT PLAN TO LEAVE THIS PUBLISHED FOREVER UNLESS WATTPAD WANTS TO PROMOTE ME!)…