What Little Worlds
Sometimes the boy of your dreams becomes a part of your reality. Sometimes those dreams turn into a nightmare. "The shimmering droplets began to dance around me, sweeping up and down and swirling around each other. I gazed around in wonder. It was the strangest feeling, watching the magic. It wasn't just that I saw the droplets dancing, but I could feel the life of them. The waves of threads of buzzing energy they seemed to follow. It was addictive. I had never felt so alive in my life. Like I was finally Awake and Alert. There was this energy inside me like I should go run a marathon or do a backflip. I started dancing. I threw my arms above my head and swirled like the droplets of water around us. Adrien started laughing. I reached out between the droplets and grabbed his hands. Then leaned back and started spinning around, pulling him along with me. We spun like that until I finally started to feel dizzy. I let go and looked around at the droplets dancing their concerto again."…