Short And Not So Sweet
Featured on the official UndiscoveredBooks profile :DJust random short stories from prompts I find all over Wattpad (I write really weird stories that are not always very happy, hence the name). Enjoy!…
Featured on the official UndiscoveredBooks profile :DJust random short stories from prompts I find all over Wattpad (I write really weird stories that are not always very happy, hence the name). Enjoy!…
In what can only be described as a moment of pure, unadulterated stupidity, Mith agrees to help a trigger-happy, thieving, scheming, possibly-demented fifteen year old scoundrel of a boy bust a 20,000 year old Greek sea monster (among others) out of a heavily guarded prison in the sky. Yes, you read that right.Mith belongs to a secret society of astronomers and seafarers, who have, for centuries, been the guardians of the Ark. The Ark is a land of insanity and ever-constant darkness, home to ancient monsters trapped in constellations. Because said constellations aren't convoluted patterns created by (mildly) inebriated astronomers, they're real, live breathing monsters; trapped in the stars and imprisoned in the sky for crimes no one remembers. Vicious scorpions and gargantuan sea monsters, vain queens and weak kings, raging bulls and ten-headed serpents; the Ark has them all.Next time you look up at the sky, remember to wave at the inmates.If they haven't already broken out and started the apocalypse, that is.Don't be fooled by the pretty (if I do say so myself) cover, this is not a story of manic pixie dreamboys and dreamgirls making out under the stars. The following characters are rude, crude, evil and can swear enough to make a sailor blush. However, if chronically depressed lyres and midnight skydiving are more to your taste, I recommend reading this book. 100%.…
Featured on the official _ShortStory_ profile!Clocks, you see, are essential for life, and for death. People's souls are intricately tied to their individual clocks; so long as the hands tick, life goes on. A person's life (or lack thereof) is wholly dependent on their clock, not disease or even age. The Guild is in charge of making each person's clock, the device that anchors each soul to time. Without their clock, a person can exist in the past, the present, and the future, all at once.Time is the heart of this world, a world of clockwork monsters and spinning hourglasses, of skilled mechanics and visionary makers, of magic and mayhem. Enter if you so wish, but be warned: you will not be the same when you leave.^^This is a collection of different short-to-medium stories set in the Clockwork Universe. (NOT fan fiction of anything)#LiveWeirdForever…