Daniel's Eyes [On Hold]
Please be aware that this is a Wattpad book. If you are reading this book on any other site than Wattpad then it means that the book has been stolen from Wattpad. If you are reading this as an e-book and it is not completed (or if it seems completed but the rest of the writing just seems off), then it means that someone else is reproducing my work without my permission. Note that taking and reproducing other's works without permission is a violation of copyright and punishable under law. Wattpad has my permission to publish the story and other sites do not. So please, just go to Wattpad to read it!Because of copyright issues, only the first ten parts of this story is public. The rest have been set to private and may be read only by my Wattpad followers. I'm sorry but it had to be done. ---------------------------------------------------------------What makes a monster? Is it nature or choice?Micah Sandiego doesn't believe in aswang or any of the old superstitions. She's just in the remote barrio of Entierro to settle her dead mother's estate. Entierro's a weird place, however... people keep telling her not to go off alone, and to be sure to be indoors once night falls. Because in Entierro, they believe that the aswang, the shapeshifter who feeds on human flesh and blood, still roams their streets at night. Even that hot guy she met keeps telling her so, even though he's never told her his name...--------------------cover courtesy of DefinedBookJunkie :3…