The Richest
Trillions of dollarsHundreds of problemsTwelve absentee parents Six richer than life teensThree midnight limousine ridesOne safe havenCaitlin Stuart. Zara Osdua. Nicholas Herrera. Everett Zhang. Masrura Patel. Vincent Hansen. If you haven't heard at least one of this names, you might as well be living under a rock. These six teens represent all things high class, expensive, luxurious, and famous. The six teens were brought together by their need for people that could understand what it really felt like to have rich and famous parents. After a few late night limousine rides with underage drinking and blaring music. Together their parents decide to send the six of them to a normal PUBLIC high school. The shift from being surrounded by upper class people to middle class students, Starts to unlock new and unusual feelings. Highlight problems that had always been there. And open old wounds. "Money might not be everything, but it sure as hell gets you places."This awesome cover was made by: Chatachino (they're awesome)…