This story is about that special lady in your life, that you hope to tie the knot with one day. please vote, share, comment. ... thanks @DuceBitten…
This story is about that special lady in your life, that you hope to tie the knot with one day. please vote, share, comment. ... thanks @DuceBitten…
Sometimes we all feel extra confident. There is nothing wrong with letting the world know that you want to be the best to ever do it. I want people a thousands years from now to look back at my work and say wow! I want to be number one at whatever I do. I want to be a legend, because legends don't die, they forever live on in our hearts.please vote, share, and comment. .. thanks @DuceBitten…
Who are you? is there one thing that defines who you really are? Are you in search of who you are? This poem is about some of the questions that we ask ourselves on a daily.please vote, share, and comment. .thanks @DuceBitten…
The Love of money will make us do some crazy things. We go against our morals and beliefs. We place the power of the dollar above anything on Earth. We as humans need to realize that the world as so much more to offer, besides money and materialistic things. I'm not saying that some of these things aren't important, I'm just saying that we do not have to worship them. When we die we cannot take any of these things with us.please vote, share, and comment. ... thanks @DuceBitten…
This story is about a young man named Jason who had a rough upbringing growing up. He is tired of life not going his way, and is determined to do something about it. with two paths to choose from Jason can either pick wrong or right. Which one will he choose.please vote, share, and comment your honest feedback .... thanks @DuceBitten…
This story is about some of the things that linger on my mind when I'm in deep thought. When I get into my own zone there is no telling what will run across my mind. But that's the beauty of letting your mind control itself.please vote, share, and comment your honest opinion, and feedback. ... thanks @DuceBitten…
This story is touching on some of the problems that I have, maybe you can relate.... please vote, share, and comment your honest opinion. .. thanks @DuceBitten…
This poem is about a young boy who lived a not so perfect life. He's been shot in the chest and is clinging onto life. While on his dead bed he begins to have conversations with God inside his head. Will the boy pull through or will it be to late?please vote, recommend, and comment.... Thanks so much @DuceBitten…
This story is about that special lady in your life that you cannot live without. Yall may not see eye to eye all of the time but you definitely wouldn't trade her for anything in the world. At the end of the day we're all king's and queens in our own world's who desperately wants that divine partner. please vote, share, and comment.... Thanks!@DuceBitten…
This story is simply about the feeling of making love and expressing all your lovely passions. Please vote, share, and comment... Thanks a lot!@DuceBitten…
This story is to uplift and Inspire everyone to be better. This poem is in no way referring to every white person or every cop. There are plenty of great cops and white people in the world just like every other race. This poem really puts in perspective on what it is like being black in America. please vote, share, and comment your honest feedback. ... once again thanks a lot! Duce Bitten…
This story is for dreamers who aren't satisfied with the script they gave you. You control your own destiny. Go write your own script!please vote, share, and comment your honest feedback.... thanks DuceBitten…
This story is about breaking up with that someone you truly loved. Almost everyone will experience heartbreak at least once in this lifetime so we all know how it feels. Please vote, share, and comment... Thanks!DuceBitten…
Just a little short poem about my generation and a few of the problems that I see.…
This poem story is about a young college girl who's seems to have the perfect life. She has a great family and a loving NFL bound boyfriend. But one night tragedy strikes and nothing was ever the same. The young girl goes from being a college girl to junkie and prostitute almost overnight. Can she turn around her life and start putting the broken pieces back together? Will she give up or will she fight? Will she make it against all odds?please favorite, share, recommend,and comment your thoughts and feeback.Thanks! Enjoy!…
This poem story is dealing with police brutality. This is a major issue especially in the black community. This poem is explaining how a change can occur if we fight back with our minds and stick together. Anything is possible!…