Oc Book
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This is the Tansypaws story.…
If things didn't go how they did…
Darkened sky follows the story of 4 Sunclan kits Childern of Velvetstar and Flamedapple follow their journey further than any cat has ever gone before.…
●●●Star Clan is hungry for more and more drama and they no longer want living cats to have a peaceful life. Fights at the territory borders happen daily, clan members no longer trust each other, and innocent cats are slain every day by murderers or even clan leaders-who believed it was the right thing to do. It seems like the drama will never stop, most Starclan cats have gone crazy and they can't get enough of it.○○○…
Oakkit grew up a normal life playing with Queens and kits listening to elder stroied he was an only child of Branchfur and Flameberry. However they're were many other kits. He had large friend group him and four others. What will happen to Oakkit?…
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I'm reading Mapleshades Vengance and its so sad so yeahWhat if starclan gave Mapleshade another chance? Maplekit, born moons after Mapleshades rein of terror, Maplekit seems a normal kit but yet something is different about her constant visions of three kits. But what are the visions?…
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Nobody understands Articpaws pain.All she heard as an apprentice were the whispers of Judgment from the queens.The sound of waves clashing And her parents voices telling her they'll be there.But everyone leaves, no matter what they say.Articpaws experience as a kit cause her to suffer flash backs and visions which drive her crazy.…