Eyes of Sagacity
Eyes of sagacity is a poem I wrote about one of my dearest friends. Always putting a wall in-front of herself as a barrier. She is quiet, composed reserved, and so very beautiful inside and out. She is Eyes of Sagacity.…
Eyes of sagacity is a poem I wrote about one of my dearest friends. Always putting a wall in-front of herself as a barrier. She is quiet, composed reserved, and so very beautiful inside and out. She is Eyes of Sagacity.…
Since I was a young girl and to this day I carry around a small note book usually designed in glitter, where I write anything and everything that comes to mind. It may be a single thought that I feel is worthy of quoting, or simply words from a thought that derive from everyday experiences. Writing is my passion, a dream within a dream for me and as my Words of Thought are usually personal I have decided to share them with my Wattpad family. I hope you enjoy reading them and find elegance, humor, love, and truth within my words.…
Chronicles of a Dame is written all from my soul, from the deepest place in my heart inked with every goosebump that appears along my olive skin. I have been writing chronicles of a Dame for quite some time now, it is my book of Poetry that I hope and pray to be published within one year from this very day. I have all intentions of writing in no form of Poetry, and some form of Poetry. For me Poetry is your own, there is no wrong and simply no right. Several pieces I have written already will be deleted and incorporated into my book, Chronicles of a Dame. I will be adding a cover when it has been perfected, well let's say worthy as perfection does not exist, only greatness. I do hope you find some of my writing to your taste and or likely, please feel free to comment candidly.…
Ungrateful 35 A new edition to the series of…
This particular piece was very difficult to write for me, as it is quite hard to read as well. My father was my hero growing up, hence My Superman, although if you read in depth you will understand my father was a great man but made life difficult growing up. At times we are all guilty of taking advantage of what's most important. In all retrospect it is imperative to always remember the good in people and always enjoy the little things we have been blessed with. For nothing in life is promised, never forget those moments of greatness for they are rare.…