faerie dance | 2020
Amidst the fiery canyons of Fotiánis, the frozen depth of Páglacias, a low land lay where a celestial part of nature resided: faeries, or "fatas" of Fýsurae. Those faeries liked to play. They liked to gleam across the arches of those innumerable stars in the inky sky so when the star gazers casted their curious eyes at the sky, the gossamer in their wings would twinkle to catch them off-guard. That's when they danced the 'Dance of Goiteía', a dance of enchantment and charm.No one knew why.Some would relate that the faeries did it because they were searching for a lost goddess, or perhaps they wanted a Queen of Serenity or Peace to reinstate order among them.Some would say that the faeries did it to incite fear, to dance on the tunes of evil do because their queen turned her back on them.Who knew?As the stretches of time and knowledge grew, a young maiden came into existence, her entire being looking for the sister she had lost in her youth.…