You + Me (Popular!Levi x Nerdy!Eren x Bully!Jean)
Levi didn't treat Eren so good once a shocking secret was heard. Eren had fallen for Humanity's Strongest. How did Levi react? He took advantage of it. He made Eren a slave and beated him senseless. Levi, on the other hand, was slowly falling for the Titan shifter. Once Levi has figured it out, he regretted the way he treated him. To be honest, Eren didn't care what happened, as long he was by Levi's side, but that was until he was beaten terribly and used. He was terrified of him, but a little piece of him still loves him.…
Same as Attack on Baby, but with your favorite short captain! ^^…
A re-write. My school jacked my whole story so I had to delete it. But I'm going to keep it the way it was.…
Eren Jaeger suddenly transformed into a little kid. Levi Ackerman was a father since he had more experience with children (his everyday life with Hanji and the others). Also, he was assigned to the title as a "farther". Hope you enjoy the story!…