Hero United
there all heros some of them metand they all have partnersand there all in Central City to stop allof the aliens,metahumens,and all of those thing as they have to go though college to keep a cover…
there all heros some of them metand they all have partnersand there all in Central City to stop allof the aliens,metahumens,and all of those thing as they have to go though college to keep a cover…
There all youtuberand some are friendand some dont even know each otherbut what happens when they are at vid-con and game-conwhat if vid-con and game-con were togetherwhat if they got picked to go undercoverwhat if they met eachotherwhat will happenread to find out…
Frienda with secrets we all are friends but we all have secrets and all of our secrets are connected in some way and fate is in our hands if we should keep our secrets to our self or share it with our friends with secrets…
you know what is is going to be about and I'm going to tell it to you anyway cause the characters are different.Ash-Tiffany yes it not a boy OK and more characters in the story so bye…