Fairy Tail Origins(FTO) one-shot {Not Open}
~~~~~Requests are Not Open~~~~~~~New: I do have dyslexia so please be patient with me! I well be going though, and removing chapters and fixing chapters.I'm so sorry in advance... honestly I feel like I should apologize for most of my stories I was 14 maybe 13? when I first wrote them, and I was very weird back then... So yeah sorry! Also as I go and edited, changed, or down right delete things there will be a little thing that say Edited and Changed on the date of said edits and changs on top of each chapter just below the title! It is going to take me awhile to go through and do this so pleas be patient with me as I do so!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Old: I will try to post as often as possible. But this is mainly for fun and in my spare time. But I hope you like what I do wright. & I'm not a good writers or speller not too good but I'll try. Again this is mainly for fun.…