Just what the title says. I write poems in my free time so when I come up with one, I'll add it here.…
Just what the title says. I write poems in my free time so when I come up with one, I'll add it here.…
Ever wonder how Dally ended up in Tulsa from New York? This is a story that I've had in mind for a while about young Dallas Winston coming to Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Dallas is 13 years old and the story begins in New York):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::The cover was done by Fool-for-Dally, she makes really cool ones, and I definitely recommend to check her out.…
Headcanons, drawings, preferences and imagines for all of our favorite girls in the outsiders! I feel like they don't get enough appreciation. *Requests are open*…
Headcanons, preferences, fan art, rants... all that kind of fandom stuff ;)The drawings on the cover were done by LewisRockets (not me!!) you can find her on Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, and DeviantArt…