GRL Heard Around the world and other short stories
This is a collection of short stories that are about places I would like to one day visit, but for now there are all chapters of my imagination. I am the Grl heard around the world! This is actually written for my Great Uncle Atty. Pio Frago to read. We live in two different parts of the world, and this is my way to reach him. It is also a collection of stories I wrote to keep my (virtual ticket) going per se! As a baby, I was personified as the little girl who 'cried' around the world by an airplane passenger in Hawaii. And in a way, I still like to get my 'voice' heard, but now through words in a story and my poetry. So, if you are willing to join me for a 'virtual ride' to a place I call my own, please do.My Grandpa passed away on Aug. 15, 2017.…