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Does this really need a description?…
Does this really need a description?…
(ZTITCH AU - A FNAF FAN STORY)THEY were the attractions. Not the rides, not the toys, t h e m . And only Them. They were angry. Angry at the new attraction who took the spotlight from them, this was THEIR Circus. Not that- that- n e w trash's....So, they took it back.It was rightfully theirs after all.But they did not expect that the spotlight they took back would send them to that fancy smancy place.No.Not at all. -----!!AYYY I'M BACK IN THE WRITING MOOOOD YA HA! Oh, by the way. WARNING:1. THIS FANDOM DOES N O T BELONG TO ME. IT BELONGS TO SCOTT CAWTHON(? Is that how you spell it..?)2. As you see by the name, yes. This is a FNaF story. But a different AU. This AU was created by me, and rightfully belongs to me. Not the fandom. But the Designs and AU.3. All videos, songs, art, or anything that doesn't belong to me belongs to their original owners, not me.4. May have some sensitive language that MAY offend some people.5. May also have some mild gore or sensitive topics. So please, if it really does offend or gives you anxiety, please, and i mean please. Just skip it.6. You may use this AU as you please, but i would really appreciate it if you credited me for the AU, not the game, just the AU. You don't have to, i would just really appreciate it if you did.7. I am NOT American or an English native speaker, yes, i can fluently speak it, but my grammar may suck at some points.8. I'm also a sucker for Gay stuff. So you may see some ships or some characters together. BUT, only a confirmation from them or just a few moments. Not much.9. Thats it. Soo, see you in the story! (well, if you read it that is.)…
Somebody wanted this.@WtfamIdoingthisYou know who you are. :3------Cover is NOT mine.Got it off from google a long time ago for a background test, thought it looked cool, used it here.…
HLiterally just my crappy art…
A Young Boy Suddenly Appeared in a Galaxy Like Void, He was Confused and Sad, But Slowly a Creature Walked up to him, He Smiled at it and held his Hands out to the Creature, the creature hesitated but slowly leaned It's head Down to the boy, The Boy Touched It's Head and Smiled..But what he didn't know was that he had Changed His Life Forever whit a single Touch..~<>~A Fan-Made Pokemon Fanfiction~<>~!-The Pokemon Community and series is not owned By Me, I am Just a Fan Writing a Simple Story About It, A Few of the Characters are owned by me, The Story Is Mine. Cover Does NOT Belong To me, i Only Edited It.-!…
Hello-Frost: Everyone here shall die.....Okay-Ocean: EVERYONE HERE NEEDS COFFEEEEEE-Blue: No! They need healthy-Rain: Why was i born with these two?Umm... Anyways, TO THE BOO-Snowy: We-STOP INTERRUPTING MEEEEEEE-…
*shrugs* i just made this so i can give ya some info when im gone on vacation or not or when um back or busy yeah. That stuff. ;^;…
This is a Collab whit My Friend xWolfie_w0lf! If you want to see her View of This then go check out her Story!Btw go check out her profile and her other Story"Happy Days And Old Memories"This is just an idea me and my friend had!Btw This is not the back-backstory of Frost! The Backstory of when she was small will be told in another book!…