Wings of Fire Destiny 1: The Dragonet Prophesy is Fulfilled
This story is a "What if?" story.So, If you clicked on this story, you probably know about Wings of Fire. If not, go back. If you've read only the first two or three, you can read this, but be prepared for spoilers. But if you've read all 5 first ones, you have no need to worry. This story is all about the "What if's?" Like, What if Hvitur and the skywing egg didn't die? What if the dragonets waited two more years before leaving the mountain? What if Sunny wasn't prematurely born? THIS STORY has all those questions. What if Kestrel killed Peril instead of her brother? What if Webs didn't steal Glory from the rainwings? What if...what if the prophesy WAS true? THIS STORY will answer all of the answers...if you join the adventure! ///Based off of Tui T. Sutherland's 'Wings of Fire' series/// (Work in progress.)…