The Bad Ass Next Door
"I am Natalie Dare. A normal teenager, who sucks at social life, gets good grades and like most other girls.... fancy the 'Famous Guy' So you can say that I have a life free of spices, with no sips from the "GOSSIP JUICE" But then, he interferes in my "Oh So Normal" life. And ...... My Smooth Ride just converted to a Bumpy one." Being a girl with a conglomerate personality, Natalie Dare is weird , with outlandish thoughts and is hopelessly in love with the Golden Boy of the high school. Drake Parkinson, a boy with the most conceited thoughts one could ever have, a self-centered guy who would do anything to get what he wants. The path of these two collide, accompanied by disastrous tribulations, which eventually draws them closer , giving an outlet to each others hidden realities of life. Will the Goody Good be ready to hold the Bad Ass's hand forever? ---------- Hey everyone, this is my first fic and I hope u enjoy reading it. As this was written when my language skill development was in process, it may not be that up to mark according to many of you. _____________ If you love those cliche' badboy stories, then this one's for you. NOTE: Although this book has lots of cliche' stuff, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COPY THE CONTENT. If you come around any copies, report immediately. Have a fun time readin' !…