feeling meh
lowkey just somewhere for me to rant and vent, that's probably about it.…
lowkey just somewhere for me to rant and vent, that's probably about it.…
This is gonna be a story-based plot-dump where you can learn about specific characters through the eyes of one of four kit characters I have designed.…
Try to guess what this is meant to be. Just. Guess.…
I'm not sure how to expand each character any more at this moment, so I've created THIS mashup of fandoms! I will update this book anytime I can, as long as I have an idea in mind. Juniper will be -kit for most, but will be -flower if the situation calls for it.REMEMBER: I will only be using the characters that were foundations to the characters in their specific fandoms, meaning in Warriors, no family trees built off of characters, BUT there will the be original character itself.…
Get ready. I'm just starting with the insanity.…
A book particularly about ME, the user that made the name SHSLKanjoMasuku, Kanjõ herself, and the other OCs.…
Spoilers. This is sort of the Undertale version of the books me and @Sakura_Wonder work on for Danganronpa, so basically the story with the authors' selected characters in it, certain things change, and some time is skipped. Title was made by another friend, who also is the other author and it's @Odis-Byers . Chara and Frisk are different compared to common stereotype, just a heads up. Undertale's not mine.…
Stuff that won't fit in any other books or aren't related to this profile.…
Each Page, Different Character.…
Roleplay what you want, as long as it's appropriate! None of the fandoms here are mine!…
Kanari and her sister, Shai, have discovered that Kanjõ shouldn't be in a V3 killing game! They have destroyed that version of her and have put her into a Goodbye Despair killing game! What will this adventure hold? I suggest reading 'Where Are We?' before this to understand some of the lines. Sakura_Wonder is still the other author inside of this killing game!…
This new picture which I'm now using as a cover because why the heck not was made by Sakura_Wonder. The author that will be inserted here will be Sakura_Wonder . Danganronpa overall is not Sakura's or mine. Kanari Hononigai is Sakura's. The only character in this story that is mine is Masuku. The story was developed by both Sakura and I. Consider this a double author story.…
Expect some possible children of Danganronpa characters and all that Role play extra stuff that doesn't have an entire book dedicated to it. This will also include some information on for the most part, fully developed characters.…
Just what I think everyone's usernames would be.…
Ask this girl some questions, she'll answer!…
This is the diary of Kanjō Masuku, my Danganronpa OC. (Danganronpa isn't mine, BTW) She's the Shsl Emotional Mask. This is for role play that involves this character. Bye-Bye!…