Lobotomy Corporation: Die 10 Times and More
You know... sometimes...---[First Trumpet]"WHO THOUGHT USING THE TREE SAP WAS A GOOD IDEA-"Sobbing intensifiesBOOOOOOOM"Manager, Kevin is on fire.""No, he's not-"FWOOSH"-not on fire.""Hello?""AaaAAAAAH!""What? What happened?!""Nothing There.""What do you mean nothing's there?!""No, Nothing There.""...Oh.""Manager, why is Judgement Bird staring at me like that.""I dunno, did you do something evil?""I TOOK A NAP.""Oh my god, is that a dog? Look at it, it's so cu-"SCREAMING"Tell my family I love them."[Second Trumpet]"Manager, someone tried to do Suppression work on CENSORED.""...How did that go?""...I think we need a new department.""AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!""Am I not enough...?""OH MY GOD SHE'S LOSING IT WHY? WHY?!""Someone left Queen of Hatred alone for FIVE SECONDS.""WHY IS SHE POSING LIKE THAT?!""RABBIT PROTOCOL DEPLOYED!""Rabbit Protocol failed.""What do you MEAN it failed?!""I dunno, they got here, took one look, and LEFT.""Manager I-"Gangnam Style"WHY IS FUNERAL GUY RUNNING AT ME?""Did you make eye contact?""YES.""Idiot.""Manager, someone started simping for Melting Love.""...Did you stop them?""No.""Why.""Because it was funny."SCREAMING INTENSIFIES[Third Trumpet]"Manager, you suck.""Who is that guy?""What guy?""The one in my workstation. He's just standing there.""...Did you see him come in?""No?"Distorted screaming"I love you Manager.""Manager, the butterfly guy is back.""Is he chill?""No.""Manager, the funeral guy is doing donuts.""Why AND How?!""Manager, the employee who was supposed to check the Singing Machine started dancing instead.""...Is he any good?""No.""Manager, I- oh, wait. I forgot what I was gonna say.""...That's concerning.""Manager, Nothing There is staring at me.""Okay, just don't do stupid things.""...Too late."Manager has disconnected.---I wonder if this is a simulation.…