A Drastic war has started , A new Military Faction Known as C.O.F, A highly funded organization with New weaponized tech that could potentially wipe the world. Cybernetic Mechs, Drones , Prototype tanks and Even the technology to make super human destruction tools. A war has raged on, and as the years pass by ..A resistance rises. Known as Red Tracurers. A group with the dedication to taking out and fightback against the C.O.F.And A Private military group known as BETA, consisting of 3Squadrons.Red Team (Demolitions and CQC)-5 membersBlue Team(Infantry and Intelligence)-8Ghost team (Stealth and Snipers)-4All trying to stop C.O.F and its sources , Along with the Tracuers.What they all know is, what they are leading to, will end dramatically.…