Story/Fic ideas up for adoption
just some of my fic ideas other people can steal. you can credit me or not. i don't really care. they'll mainly be ship fic ideas but i'll put regular story ideas here as well.…
just some of my fic ideas other people can steal. you can credit me or not. i don't really care. they'll mainly be ship fic ideas but i'll put regular story ideas here as well.…
it all starts with a 25 year old man named jack. He finds a teenage boy named liu. jack takes liu in and liu starts to live in jacks house. and that's all I'm going to say about the story so your going to have to read it your self.…
After being hit and abused for years, a girl finally kills her foster mother. Leading her to a life of murder, only killing those who she thinks deserve it.( @Moonturkey001 created the character, velcro years ago, and me and her wanted to created a back story for her. i wrote this months ago with the help of moonturky001 and i finally decided to post it here. hope you enjoy)…
hi! so this story you mite or mite not read is about Steve and herobrine falling in love.(I think the herosteve ship is just amazing!) so I hope you like the story and plz be a little nice in the comments this is my first story on here. so I hope you enjoy! note: this has been discontinued. by me at least. people actually want to continue this horridly written fanfic. when the fic(s) are done being written i will post the link in a new chapter.…