Just Think
You there that girl you just called fat is over dosing on diet pills that boy you just called gay fag weird is getting abused at home that girl you just called a slag got raped at age 9 by her dad are you laughing now? Is it a joke banta no now you feel bad don't you bullying can destroy people their life their mind their well being Why would you want to bring someone down? Why would you want to make someone cry because it is funny? What if it was your mom brother sister gran it wouldn't be funny You think your tough because you make people feel low your not tough the strongest people in the world are people that battle anxiety depression bullying etc the people who don't have an easy life are the strongest people on earthNext time you want to call someone a name or judge them because they are different think because you could be the person that puts them over the edge that makes them want to leave the world so they do their soul is gone suddenly they was your best friend wrong…