Fate: "The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power." Dylan Beckett had certainly heard the word several times in his lifetime but he never really paid much attention to it. Fate seemed like a silly thing, honestly. After all, why wait for fate when the world was waiting for you?Dylan is--was an orphan, adopted by the Davis family three years ago. During the day, he's the socially inept popular kid at school, adored by the Miller's three kids and at night, he's the Hero named Recluse.Most importantly, Recluse likes being left alone. Now try telling that to Superstition, a notorious villain for killing whoever he likes, when he likes. He's used to getting what he wants and Recluse is used to shoving people as far away from him as he possibly can. They're exact opposites but it seems like fate only intends to pull them closer.Or rather, Superstition keeps following Recluse and just simply won't leave him alone and Recluse just can't get it through his thick skull that he wants to be left alone.Credit goes to @OminouslyAnonymous For the amazing cover!…