My poems
I suck so just try to be nice…
I suck so just try to be nice…
My Passion... My Life... My Art.…
If you think you knew God... You don't. I f you think you knew Satan... You Don't. Two Children, One of Day, of God,.... One of Night,..... Of Satan. Trinity and Tai. One Brother, One Sister, Two different worlds."Joshua, Stop!" Tai said as his friend, Joshua Inada, slowly kissed down the side of Tai's throat." Well now, You certainly are the Devil's Boy aren't you?"…
My very first change. it was awful. oh, sorry. HI! my name is Timber. i am a 15-year-old male with dark brown hair and red eyes.( No this is not really what i look like) i cant describe that feeling... the need... to hunt. to kill. to know that i am the most powerful of all the werewolves. if only. I am a rare black werewolf but i can't controll my change. i never could and iv'e been at this for months now. for months. some life, even for an orphan.…
Shyanne was there that day. the day her brother turned into one of them. one of those... demons." MAGIC!" screamed Shyanne as her brother's heart was torn from his chest. in its place now... was a demon's. and not just any demon's... Satan's. the thought was unbearable. in a world where people are prey for demons to take their place in the world, why of all the people did it have to be Magic? why, she thought, why was it Magic? Why Satan's heart? why me? NO, I'm going to bring these demons to their knees. i'm going to drive them from this world. ONE. BY. ONE. forever, to save my brother from his awful fate. funny her brother's name was. Magic Fate Priest. Satan's son.…