What I Think o' Ye
Ask good ol' Cap'n Foxy what I think o' ye. If ye want, ye can also ask Admin.//Admin: I do NOT own Foxy, Scott Cawthon does. I also do not own the art I use, Pole-Bear does.//…
Ask good ol' Cap'n Foxy what I think o' ye. If ye want, ye can also ask Admin.//Admin: I do NOT own Foxy, Scott Cawthon does. I also do not own the art I use, Pole-Bear does.//…
Ask good ol' Cap'n Foxy anything ye want, lad/lass!Admin: I do NOT own Foxy, Scott Cawthon does. I also do NOT own the art I use, Pole-Bear does.If you look up "Ask Foxy" it's the third~…
Admin: Always wanted to understand Foxy? Or learn another language? Well now either or can happen, introducing the first and official "Pirate Words and Phrases" book! After you read this, you will learn how to speak like a true buccaneer.…
It be me adventures from 1962 to 2017! Don' read, Mangle. . .Admin: I do NOT own Foxy, Scott Cawthon does. I also do not own anything else I use.…
Dare good ol' Cap'n Foxy anything ye want, lad/lass!Admin: We MIGHT take OCs, it depends on how popular this book becomes.//Admin: I do NOT own Foxy, Scott Cawthon does. I also do NOT own the art I use, Pole-Bear does. And the OCs I (might) use belongs to their original owners.//…