The Secret of D.I.E {Discontinued}
{My frustration levels with this book is so high right now you wouldn't believe me if I told you. Tec.}This is D.I.E or Determination Intelligence Enterprises and it's secret...Thousands were slain within it's wall's.And out of a group of six friends only four of them lived to tell the tale.The War of Children.Killed them.~~~~~~~~~Cat: CatherineMatt: MattheousKaty: KassandraAbyssol: AbsalomJacob: Jacques Sophia: Symphony Might add more.So for the authors of the story (Trust_True_Tec, Abyssol, Draglitch, and Virfelem, Copcaptor, Dragclaws) when you write a chapter make sure that you write in your point of view and to follow the plot of the story.…