Fear & Time
A small collection of poems about how I feel at times, I hope you enjoy and please do leave comments as I enjoy engaging with my readers.…

Petticoat Lane Funeral Parlour
When I was asked to write something short for a friend of mine, this is what resulted.…

100 words on the subject of depression.Please read and leave me comments.…

Sticks and Stones.
A tale of how something very small can save your life.Suffering with depression this character can only think of suicide being the only option. But so determined in their mission to end it all does fate have one last card to play?I hope this poem can help readers understand a little bit more about mental health.…

Mild Mannered
*Warning this contains strong language*This is how anger can manifest itself if it's not dealt with properly. The simplest things can be the straw to break the camel's back.…

A section for short ramblings written on my mobile.I hope you enjoy.…

Twisted Romance (Round Two) Yowie
This is my entry into the 'Twisted Romance - Round One' Competition.I Have now updated round two. Titled 'Yowie'Word Count: 3047http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yowie…