Chenry Love Story
When henry and charolette realize their feelings for each other what happens .…
When henry and charolette realize their feelings for each other what happens .…
Maranettes point of view I woke one mourning a arm around my waist as laid back down in a unfamiliar bed I then turn my head to none other then Adrien agrrste my kitty and my husband and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek so he can sleep some more he then stirs and opens one of his smiling that adorable smile that so much . Adriens point of view Feel a lit kiss on my cheek. When I look to see what it was and saw my beautiful wife and smiled as I bring my hands to my wife's race and give a quick kiss and I look into those bluebell eyes that I love so much "my lady you look purrfect " I say with a smile and she stares at me and then giggles " Adrien she says why did you have to ruin the moment " I laughed " so sorry my princess " and pull her a not my arm no place I would rather be with then her.…
For all my gorgeous women of color out their keep fighting🙌🏿🙌🏿🙌🏿😎👅…
We all know the story the abusive yet sweet couple that we love in a story so much heartache and betrayal but just enough romance satio gets tired of Louise and goes out to siesta and have a what ??!!! Oh no your going to have to read to find out.…