حينَ أقدمَ الليل
"هذا الكم الهائل من الإدراك، مؤذي جدآ ! لا شيء يمرّ عبثًا، حتى تعثّراتك الصغيرة كانت لأجل أن تعرف شيئًا ما!"…
"هذا الكم الهائل من الإدراك، مؤذي جدآ ! لا شيء يمرّ عبثًا، حتى تعثّراتك الصغيرة كانت لأجل أن تعرف شيئًا ما!"…
I had a terrible childhood ... I didn't pass it yet. But i believe that God is always with me and i hope that someone will let me out of the black lights. In this book there are poems related to my childhood. "when fear touch your childhood, it will follow you till the end of your life...Every night you should look at the stars and remember that God will be with you when you're afraid."…
My mom died on 17/7/2018... This book is for her.In this book there are things i couldn't tell her about them. "I always remember that if I turn my face to the sun, the shadows will fall behind me..."…