Hot Chocolate
Reyna: Hello, PJO fandom who stalks my life! Nice to meet you.Me: Hey guys! One second. I'm gonna think of a unique idea for my story starter...Reyna: You're evil.Me: Um... where did that come from? I mean I know I am, but did you really have to announce it to the world?Reyna: Yeah, I did. I just read the entire chapter while you were daydreaming about what to say to your non-existent readers. Me: Well, that's only half fair. I'm pretty sure I've got at least one reader.Reyna: Doubt it. But still, I can't believe you made me fight an idiot with a stick.Me: Well, I do control your life in this book. So I can make you do whatever I want... *cue maniac laughter* Yeah, I'm pretty evil. Reyna: Then you knocked me out and... mhhhhMe: *puts hand over Reyna's mouth* NO SPOILERS! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! OH, GREAT. Reyna doesn't look too happy. That's my cue to run. don'tforgettocommentandlikeandthatstuff! BYE! *runs off in a hurry* PS: I'm not the strongest writer in the world, so cut me some slack, ok? But please let me know if you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns. I love feedback so don't hesitate! Ok imma get on with my life now...…