Dragon's Claw (FTO au)
Hurt, manipulated, betrayed, vengeful, and abandoned...The dragon slayers used to be like any other human, happy with their life, but over time things had changed... people they cared about abandoned them, left them alone... some of the people they cared about were killed... and some were only using them for their own personal gain... Each of the dragon slayers in Atlantide were hurt one way or another, a darkness forming in their heart... they wanted revenge against the ones who had wronged them... eventually, they grew more hateful, hating everyone who had happiness in their life life, something that they didn't get to have...Once faithful day, one of the dragon slayers had come up with a plan for them to get revenge on society for all that they had to go through, and on that day Dragon's Claw was formed...Dragon's Claw is coming, and one way or another, they will get their revenge, and no one will stand in their way...…