some stuff…
some stuff…
this girl inspired me so much, always makes my day complete & everytime i see her smile it's indeed always makin me feel better and every time i watch her videos she indeed always makes me happy and if she's sick, you know what i feel so bad because i don't ever want her to be sick because it's seems like i'm the one were sick (actually she's my twin for me cuz when she feel hurt or sick it hurts me more and feel like i should be too. i love her so much as always fr. hence, i'd and i'll never tired of loving her till the end and forever ツ♡) and when i see her crying i really wanna hug her but i don't know how lol because i won't see her crying (yunno because i actually feel her pain, deep insideツ♡) but if it's just tears of joy, sometimes i cried too because i can't even describe how proud i am and happy for her and yunno what i indeed cried a bit while writing this description because finally i said some of i truly wanted to tell her but it's not all ツ, lastly if ever/just in case you were reading this Ariana, i just wanna tell you that i love u so so fucking much my queen, my baby, ect. which most likely my twin♡ and i hope someday to see meet you in person because throughout my life that dream of mine i truly want to happen and that's it.ツsorry for long description and i hope you understand babes♡lol just wanna share you may love for Ariana & yah hope you like it.enjoy♡…
- u can rely on me anytime.in a perfect world nothing is perfect.in a beautiful world not all things are beautiful. it may not be easy to seebut love is truly worth it. u can either choose to have faith in love or u can forever remain doubtful.…