You're Something Else : Dukeceit :
Edit: So! Some recent events on another social media have made me incredibly anxious and my brain has said to stay away from this fandom for a bit. Sorry for the sudden lack of chapters, hopefully you enjoy the ones already written! And maybe I'll come back and post more for this fandom, but for the time being I need to distance myself from it. I'll try finishing this story if I find the motivation to do so.---------------Remus and Roman are both princes and with Roman set to inherit the throne their parents desperately want to see Remus married off, however Remus has the tendency to be picky with potential suitors and has turned them all down thus far. That is until Remus' newest suitor turns out to be Prince Janus. At first Remus is difficult with him as he is with all his suitors but than Janus starts winning him over slowly. Janus also knows sorcery.- Requested by Anonymous on Tumblr!- This /was/ going to be a one-shot, but uh, I got kinda carried away and it got so long I decided why not turn it into an entire fic? It's not as long as some of my other fics, but it also felt too long to include in a one-shot book so... here we are!- I had a lot of fun writing this, and I hope you all enjoy it as well!- Warnings: Blood and injuries, sort of a terrible father, lmk if I need to add anything else!- All characters(meaning the sides + any of Thomas's other characters) are sympathetic! If there are any unsympathetic characters, they are my own characters…