Communication is Key (Mb/s)
Just me, Kyle Kirk, telling you of various incidents that happen in my life, etcetera whatever.…
Just me, Kyle Kirk, telling you of various incidents that happen in my life, etcetera whatever.…
Ever since I divorced Alana Pike, nothing has been the same. I have left service on the Enterprise, and now work on the Starbase Victory. I absolutely miss being with her everyday...but it was for the best. It was a simple, quick message. A simple, quick message changed my life forever. Even now, every night I go over why I did it, and in the end, I am able to convince myself that I did the right thing for just long enough to fall asleep. The nightmares are growing worse.What is she up to now? How is she holding up? How is my son? Is he mad? Thoughts like this are the only things I can focus on. It's getting in the way of my work, and I come to the conclusion that the only thing I can do to help go back and talk to the only woman who can fill the hole in my life.…