|| Chapter 9 ||
Here is the ninth chapter.
I neither own PJO nor Harry Potter.
Enjoy Reading!
"Today we are going to--" Professor gasps when he floats in front of Lord Nico. "Lord, I am Sorry. I hate it there. I--" But he is cut off as Lord Nico grabs him and walks out of the class. All of us gape at him, you can't touch a ghost.
A laugh distracts us all from our thoughts, its Lady Thalia, "Seriously their expression."
"You should maintain the decorum of class, Lady Grace." Lord Jackson taunts her.
"I am gonna plumule you, Jackson." She practically screams back.
"That's what they all say." Lord Jackson fires back.
"Stop screaming like two- year- old's, cousins." Lord Di Angelo says. He is standing at the door. Behind him is Professor Binns, who looks thoroughly shaken.
"We will start the class." He slowly begins when Lord Di Angelo motions him to walk. I tune him out and watch the royals.
None of them sat still, except the princess who was awfully still. They looked like they were listening but their eyes betrayed it. And once Lord Nico started whizzing, while Lord Jackson and Lady Thalia were coughing, Princess was simply biting her lip. Looking at the two coughing others like she wanted to give them cough drops.
I wonder how Princess manages to shut the three up with a look. I get it she is powerful but then also something out there is weird. But then Hermione's yesterday's words came to my mind, "You don't know who they are what power they have exactly. You don't want to intervene."
The Transfiguration class went without any interesting thing. Now we are heading towards the lunch. Next will be DADA I want to see what will the new teacher teach us.
"I am soo famished." Ron grumbles. "Why did we have to come back to this bloody school? I mean we fought in the wars."
"Shut Up, do you want Hermione to hear you?" I ask him. He instantly shuts up.
"You guys started with us." Ginny states.
I grin shyly at her. "We were hungry."
"NO CAN DO." A minute later Lord Jackson entered with Lady Thalia over his shoulders and Lord Di Angelo and Princess hot on their tails.
Lady Thalia was continuously pounding on Lord Jackson's back, but Lord was walking calmly walking towards our table. He put her down on the bench and instantly Lady Thalia moved to punch him. But at the last second Lord Jackson moved out of the way.
"I will plumule you, Perseus." she threatens Lord Jackson. And her hand darts out, but this time Lord Jackson wasn't so successful in saving himself, she punched him. He narrowed his eyes at her.
Princess Anastasia sits beside us, Lord Di Angelo in front of her, "He took a little hard step this time." she tells Lord Di Angelo.
"Of course, she called him Perseus." he replies. Ignoring that the said people were fighting not even five feet away.
"Ow, that hurt, Thals." Lord Jackson said. Of course, he is wimp, he is a royal after all.
"It was supposed to, kelp brains." Lady Thalia says and steps towards him. Lord Jackson turns around and runs behind Lord Di Angelo.
"Thalia." Princess says, almost as if bored.
"We are continuing this later." Lady Thalia tells Lord Jackson.
"Of course, Milady." he gives a mock bow. And sits down beside the Lod Di Angelo.
"What is next?" Lord Di Angelo asks. When the three shrug, Hermione speaks up.
"It's DADA."
"Apollo's class?" Lady Jackson asks.
"He is Professor Olympia, Perce." Lord Di Angelo says, mocking the two words.
"We need to have a talk with him." Princess says, more like declares.
"I just hope isn't the ass like always." Lady Thalia prays.
"How can you curse a ah- teacher?" I ask them.
"He is my half- brother." she replies.
"I thought he shared the surname with Princess here." Ginny points at the princess.
"I am his cousin Aunt from his father's side same with these three here." Princess says.
"Oh." Ginny responds.
"Our family is a little complicated." Lord Jackson agrees.
"Understatement of the year." Lord Di Angelo mutters.
"Good afternoon class, I am your new DADA teacher Professor Apollo Olympia. I hope you enjoy it." Professor Olympia says. "Today we are going to deal with what you have already dealt- A Boggart."
The royals look like they are half way asleep. Don't they want to listen?
They will most probably jack off. That's what all royals do, don't they?
"Please assemble in a line. Let's begin with you Ms. Brown." Professor says. We stand in a line this class is with the Slytherins. The royals at the most back in front of them Slytherins like Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson, and in front of them us four.
"You are so ugly Lavender. The War took the its toll on you, you have lost your glow. Nobody is going to love you. They all will despise you." A lady said, that looked awfully a lot like Lavender.
"No, you are wrong. I am beautiful." Lavender says. "Riddikulus."
"Wonderful Lavender." Professor congratulates her. "Next."
After a lot of screaming, brawling, crying it was Hermione's turn. Ron had us telling him that he was in capable of being a hero. Ginny's was her family dying. George and Fred's were them loosing each other and their family. It was same for most of us. Neville's the snake (Nagini) not being killed by the sword. Mine was the Weasleys' and Hermione dying.
Hermione stepped forward, the Bogart tuned into a boy: he had black eyes, brown skin, and black hair. His body was lean and had broad shoulders. I heard somebody gasp behind me.
"What did you think Mira? I loved you" the boy scoffed. "You are so wrong. I don't love you. Never loved you. I was just playing with you. Don't you know? I am the biggest player and you thought I loved you." the guy laughed, almost evilly. I turned to look at Ginny, Hermione had a boyfriend? Not that she can't but why didn't she say anything?
Sensing Hermione's distraught as she was crying her eyes out, Professor Apollo came forward. The Bogart changed into a older man. He had electric blue eyes and black hair, and was wearing pinstripe suit. He looked like Professor Apollo and Lady Thalia.
"You disappoint me, Apollo." he said. "You can't even take care of your sister -Art--" but he is cut off as Professor yells "Riddikulus." The man was still standing there but was now wearing a gown, and had an peacock on his both shoulder. The royals behind us were laughing. Hermione also had a small smile on her face.
"Next." Professor says and Parkinson stepped forward. The Bogart changed its form and it was a girl with blond hair and grey eyes, I don't know why but it felt as if I had seen that girl somewhere.
"You couldn't save me, Mahira. You killed me, you killed your twin. Your other half, your other part. The one that completed." The girl said before driving the knife in her heart. "Your pride killed me. One thing our father said and you couldn't do."
Pansy has a twin? Hermione is holding the table to hard, it has turned white. It seems she isn't herself, even after the boggart being gone. I want to ask her about the boy, but I know she will say when she wants and can.
Sensing that she won't be able to do anything Nott steps forward, before it could become something clear he shouted 'Riddikulus'. he stepped towards Parkinson but she was kicking and punching the air. Nott couldn't reach her, Malfoy tried but to no avail.
"Ms. Granger please take Ms. Parkinson to Infirmary." Professor says. Without any hesitation, Hermione moves ahead picks the other girl up and walks out of the room.
Lord Jackson steps ahead. The boggart takes form of a girl. She has blond hair and grey eyes.
"You were wrong Percy; I didn't love you never did. You were such a fool to believe me. You really are seaweed brain, aren't you? I was using you for fame. You believed me. You were and are a fool Perseus Jackson." She gives an evil laugh. "With a doubt you believed that I love you. That such a beautiful and intelligent girl like me could fall in love with you? Could actually date you?" Lord Jackson is staring at her tears flowing.
Oh! So, he was dumped by somebody. But why? He is nice. Lady Thalia and Lord Di Angelo are, by looks, arguing with Professor. He seems worried but can't do anything.
"Apollo, pull away." Princess says. Professor looks like he has something to say but a look from her and he shuts the boggart. Lord Jackson looks completely broken he is on his knees. Princess walks up to him and pulls him in a hug. Whispering something in his ears, she picks him up effortlessly. Nods to the other two royals and together the four walk out of the class.
The bell rings and the class is dismissed.
What do you say?
They have already started fighting, shakes her head.
Professor Olympia is Apollo, did you expect it?
Who is Hermione's Bogart?
What about Pansy Parkinson?
Her Twin. Who is the twin?
Is Pansy's twin really dead?
We made Annabeth an actual bitch here, right?
Such Fun.
Vote and Comment, people.
(1635 words.)
Until next time. Byeee! 😉
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