|| Chapter 8 ||
Here is the eighth chapter.
I neither own PJO nor Harry Potter.
Enjoy Reading!
I woke a little late the today, the night was quite peaceful surprisingly. So, I rushed to get ready and go downstairs. It was nearly 7:30 when I reached there, the other three were there, I slid beside Ginny.
"Good morning, guys." I greet.
"Morning, Harry." Ginny replies.
"Good morning Harry. Did you see the Royals?" Hermione asked.
"No." I shake my head.
"Oh. Weird. They aren't here yet. They mi-" Hermione is cut short as a eleven year old screamed "they are here." There was acute silence as we anticipated the entry of the royals.
"No way."
"Yes way."
"Air disasters are way more harmful."
"Nope. Sea can cause more harm." Two voices argue. Its Lord Jackson and Lady Thalia.
"Winds can cause havoc anywhere. You need beach for Sea disasters." Lady Thalia says.
"Sea can form a new Island. A new place. Air can't do that." They continue fighting as they head our way. Behind them I see Princess Anastasia shake her head and Lord Di Angelo was smiling at something said.
The Lords are wearing black pants and white shirts, Lady Thalia was wearing a white shirt but grey pants, all of them had was a trench coat. There coat had two symbols, one on each side, one said CHB with a flying horse and the second one said SPQR with what looked like wheat grain on its side. They boots were kind of military styled.
Princess Anastasia's outfit had my eyes popping out, she was wearing Trench coat (same as others) and boots that reached her knees. Nowhere was any other piece of clothing visible. Was she wearing anything below? I am attracted to boys more, yes but I am bi, what do you expect? All her curves and dips were clearly visible but she looked like she couldn't care less.
Lord Di Angelo was wearing the coat, his hands deep in his pocket. Lord Jackson's was draped on his shoulder but his hands were out, in his pant pockets. Lady Thalia was wearing her coat, but looked like she wanted to throw it away.
"We are talking about havoc not new places." Lady Thalia points out.
"The new place is formed due to the havoc." Lord Jackson says.
"That doesn't prove the point that your dad is stronger than mine."
"You are wrong. My dads' way stronger." Lord Jackson tells her.
"Oh Please, I think we established it before my dads' way powerful than you guys." Lord Nico intervenes.
"Are you serious?"
"Are you kidding me." Both Lady Thalia and Lord Jackson say together.
"Yes, I am serious. And no, I am not kidding." Lord Nico says. The three royals start talking together, I never expected this.
"However, much I am enjoying this, I want to have my breakfast move aside." Princess Anastasias' voice a purr as soft as silk.
"What do you think about this?" Lady Thalia asks pointing between the three.
"I am much more powerful then all three." she says a smirk playing on her lips. "Of course, my father is too." What does she mean by that?
The others huffed as they settled down to eat. Their backs' straight, Merlin I can't do that even if I had back support. And they always sit like that.
"But then also?" Lady Thalia asks.
"Nico's dad." She speaks.
"Ha." Lord Di Angelo boosts his win.
"How?" Lord Jackson asks.
"His the second eldest among all the siblings and the eldest among the three. Of course, he is powerful." Princess Anastasia answers.
"Oh." Lady Thalia responds. "But Air disasters are more harmful, right?"
"Right now, the most harmful thing can be, me." She smiles sadistically at her, before turning to her breakfast. The Lord's chuckle, she looks at the two and they instantly start to have breakfast. They are so weird. Who fights with regard to Air and water disasters?
"What is our first class?" Ron asks Hermione.
"Its Potions."
"Oh Merlin, straight away in the morning?" Ginny grumbles.
I smile at her, "It will be alright. We are there for you."
As we rise from our places, I see the royals following us. Of course, idiot, they have no idea where the classes are. I was surprised that they were silent the whole way. I mean the way they were at breakfast, made me think they never will be silent. After all they are royals, they do as they please, I wonder how Malfoy feels about this arrangement.
I turn around to get one look at them, Lord Nico is 'escorting' Princess I suppose, like he did yesterday. These people love drama, don't they?
While Lord Jackson and Lady Thalia are following them, their head bents together, and at their expression I suppose they are discussing something.
We settle down in seats, Me with Ron and Hermione with Ginny, in front of us. The Royals are behind us in the same form as they were walking. When Snape appears in front of class has eyes zero on the royals. He wasn't at dinner yesterday, wonder where he was?
"SEVERUS." Lord Jackson practically screams.
And what happened next, had me dead, Snape smiled at him, "How are you, Jackson?"
"How am I? I was told you were killed bastard." My eyes pop out in horror at the language. But Snape merrily laughs. Wait!! laughs?
The language thing reaches Princess to I suppose because she whacks him on the head, "Language."
"Μου είπαν ότι είναι νεκρός. Μου αρέσει πολύ, εντάξει;" Lord Jackson says.
(Hey, I was told he isdead. I quite like him, okay?)
"ωραίο να ξέρω, Jackson" Snape replies in same language and I share at him in shock.
(Nice to know, Jackson.)
"Έχει δίκιο, Severus. Ανησύχησα να. Ούτε η θεία ξέρεις ποια ούτε ο μπαμπάς είπαν τίποτα." Lord Nico joined the conversation.
(He is correct, Severus. I was worried to. Neither Aunt you know which nor dad said anything.)
"Δεν διαισθάνεσαι ότι δεν ήταν νεκρός?" Lady Thalia, I think asked.
(Couldn't you sense that he wasn't dead?)
"είναι μάγος, συν ότι η μαμά του είναι ο Hecate μπαμπάς είπε ότι πολλές φορές μπορούν να κρύψουν αν είναι ζωντανοί ή όχι." I wonder what is Hecate? A name? A place? A thing?
(He is a wizard, plus hismom is Hecate dad said they many times can hide whether they are alive or not.)
"As much as I am loving this reunion, I suppose you have to teach us, Severus." Princess Anastasia says. What is with them and calling him by his first name?
"There is something left that you don't know?" Snape asks raising his eyebrows.
Princess smiles as she places her chin on her hand, and looks at her expectantly, "Of course you can try, cousin." Cousin? Snape is a part of the royal family that is Greece.
"Sixth Cousin, doesn't count." Snape says before turning to class, his regular sneer is gone. Bloody Hell. "We are making Dreamless Potion today, get into pairs. And dear cousins, you all are working alone."
We were heading towards the History of Magic now. The royals all made the Dreamless Potion perfect. Snape gave points to Gryffindor for it too. I didn't know I could see such a day. I wonder what more surprises these royals hold for us. The only other people who got this correct was Hermione who was working with Neville and Malfoy along with Nott.
I was sitting with Ron and Hermione with Ginny. While the royals sat in front of us, Lord Jackson was on the end with Lady Thalia beside him and Princess was between Lady Thalia and Lord Nico.
Professor Binns entered the class, and I groaned internally.
"Today we are going to--" Professor gasps when he floats in front of Lord Nico.
What do you think?
The classic three way fight is here.
Severus is Greek. Again cliché, right?
What do you think they talked about?
Well Binns freezing is another cliché, so?
Vote and Comment, people.
(1455 words.)
Until next time. Byeee! 😉
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