Æ - 9 - Æ
"sir, sir!" jaemin exclaimed, running across the white corridors of the angels' place.
the old man that was being called turned around, meeting eyes with a panting jaemin.
"oh, jaemin." he said with a smile. "how have you been?"
"complicated..." the boy breathed out.
"i hope haechan isn't making your life too difficult." the head angel tilted his head to the side.
"i wanted to ask some things about him." jaemin said.
"of course. let's go to my office."
jaemin followed the old man towards his office, seating in the white armchair when he was invited to. he looked at the head angel taking place in his white feathery throne elegantly.
"tell me what's bothering you jaemin." the old man spoke.
"well... huh... the first thing i noticed when i met haechan was that he was an exact copy of donghyuck." jaemin started.
"an exact copy you say?"
"except his hair and his eyes, haechan and donghyuck look the same." jaemin confirmed.
"are you trying to ask me if they actually are the same person?" the head angel raised a brow.
"well... i was sure they couldn't be the same person." jaemin explained. "haechan is so different from him. he smokes, he flirts around... he's not a good boy. and donghyuck was the most perfect being that existed."
"you say that because you are blinded by love, jaemin." the angel chuckled.
"i swear donghyuck was good!" jaemin exclaimed. "at least, better than haechan."
the old man nodded, signalling jaemin to keep telling his story.
"so... i saw haechan bare-chested yesterday. and his body has some kind of birthmark." jaemin continued.
"almost every human has one." the head angel chuckled again.
"yeah, but his isn't a traditional birthmark. it's a letter. a calligraphed 'Æ' right on the spot donghyuck was stabbed to death."
the angel sitting on the throne nodded slowly, taking in every detail.
this sure was strange.
"are you sure it is the exact same spot?" he asked after a while.
"i'm sure. i saw donghyuck getting stabbed. i was the one to pull the knife out of his flesh. and haechan's tattoo is exactly there." jaemin confirmed.
"what happened to donghyuck's body?" the head asked. "after his death, i mean."
"well... i threw him at the life diving board."
"the what?"
"the life diving board. it's a place he showed me. he said that deceased demons' corpses are thrown so that they are offered a new life." jaemin explained.
"oh, that..." the head angel nodded.
jaemin nodded, looking at the older angel in front of him.
he seemed to be in a deep reflexion state.
jaemin didn't dare speaking or breathing too loud, too scared to interrupt him.
"so..." the old man started. "if you threw him there, he was surely gifted a new life. and there is a high chance that he was gifted a human life, meaning that... your human is donghyuck's reincarnation." he finished, finally looking into jaemin's eyes.
jaemin's bottom lip quivered as he bit it in nervousness.
so, he was right?
haechan and donghyuck were one and only person?
"h-haechan is d-donghyuck..." jaemin let out, a stray tear escaping his eye.
"he's his reincarnation. but this means that haechan doesn't know anything about his past life." the angel stated. "the only thing that links both of them is..."
"the birthmark." jaemin said, gasping in realisation.
"exactly." the head nodded.
more tears escaped jaemin's eyes silently.
so, that was it?
he had found his donghyuck?
well, what was left of his donghyuck.
because, haechan was only donghyuck's shell.
his insides were so different...
"is there a reason why you came to tell me this?" the head angel asked.
"yeah." jaemin nodded. "haechan hates me. and he constantly reminds me of my deceased boyfriend. everything painfully hurts."
the head angel hummed.
"and... do you... maybe... want to make your boyfriend come back...?" he asked, unsure.
"i'd give my life for him to revive." jaemin told. "but i'm aware that when you die, there is no turning back." he sighed.
jaemin's head shot up as he looked at the head angel in the eyes.
what did that 'well...' mean?
"well...?" jaemin raised a brow.
"if you're telling me that he has this mark, maybe... there is a way to revive his memories." the head explained.
"for real?!" jaemin gasped.
"it won't make him a demon again. but he'll remember his past life. he'll remember you. and the old him will be back." the head angel. "the only thing bothering me is that haechan will still be there."
jaemin furrowed his brows.
"what does that mean?"
"well... huh... one body... but two souls... donghyuck and haechan." he said.
"some kind of split personality?"
"yeah." the head nodded.
"i don't mind. as long as donghyuck is back, i can cope with haechan." jaemin assured. "and i'm familiar with the multiple personality thing."
the head nodded.
"bring haechan back to where donghyuck died then. pressing his chest hard enough as if you stabbed him should be enough to make him remember what he lived."
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