Æ - 26 - Æ
air refused to enter jaemin's metabolism right after the boy heard what had escaped the other boy's mouth first thing after he woke up.
fucking shit! don't shake me like that!
this was bad news.
jaemin felt the air lacking inside his lungs, as if he couldn't breathe anymore.
had everything failed for real?
was donghyuck's soul long lost and replaced by haechan's?
jaemin's eyes ran across the room, looking at his surroundings quickly to grasp any hint, anything that could convince him that he was still sleeping, and that this wasn't true.
he tried pinching himself a few times, but no. he felt that pain.
tears involuntarily cascaded down his cheeks.
he couldn't even look at the boy that was sitting on the bed next to him.
he needed to run away.
he needed to escape this hell.
jaemin had always wanted to have an angel in the first place.
he knew getting a demon would make his life a living hell.
it perhaps didn't happen when the demon was with him.
but it did now that he wasn't there.
jaemin choked on a sob as he jumped off the bed, and ran towards the door of the room.
jaemin ignored the voice behind his back that was calling him, and he kept speed-walking to the door, despite his vision getting blurry both because of his tears and his dizziness.
"jaemin!" the voice called again.
jaemin walked out of the room, his new itinerary being the front door of the house that he could see right in front of him, meters away.
he grabbed all his courage and ran there, his hand wrapping around the handle and pushing it down to open the door.
he would have opened it if nothing had stopped him.
but thankfully, he was stopped by the same voice.
he was stopped by a single word.
a word that meant that he had succeeded.
jaemin turned around, his eyes meeting for the first times the brown orbs of the human standing in front of him.
those eyes full of love and comfort.
those eyes that used to be glowing red.
those eyes he hoped to see for the rest of his days.
"a-aren't you going to kiss me hello...?" the boy asked unsure, tilting his head to the side as he gave jaemin the biggest toothy smile.
"d-donghyuck..." jaemin muttered, closing the door he had been wanting to open wide.
"donghyuck..." jaemin continued, taking a step forwards towards the human.
"it's me."
"hyuckie..." jaemin kept going, now being dangerously close to the boy.
"yes, jaemin?"
"my boyfriend..." jaemin finished, now standing right in front of the boy.
"your one and only boyfriend."
jaemin's eyes got watery again.
but this time, tears of joy escaped his now brown eyes.
he leant forwards, gluing his and donghyuck's mouths, making his heart explode inside his rib cage.
this feeling was so familiar, yet so foreign.
it finally felt good.
there was no haechan in the middle.
no one asleep or dead.
it was just the two of them, fully human, and perfectly conscious of the love they shared.
"i missed you, nana." donghyuck declared once they parted from their intense kiss.
"it feels so good to have you back." jaemin replied, hugging the boy tight.
"it does."
they stayed there, in front of the door, their bodies glued to one another as they tightened their embrace around each other.
they both had one thing in mind: they would never let go the other.
"i love you, jaemin."
"i love you too, donghyuck."
haechan slammed his hand over his mouth when he realized the words that had just escaped his mouth.
fucking shit! don't shake me like that!
so, he had been the one to be revived...
so, donghyuck had completely disappeared...
hanchant looked at the person that used to be his angel, hating the way his eyes were getting teary.
jaemin was in a state of panic, it was obvious. he had just lost the love of his life to someone he couldn't bear.
before haechan could do anything, jaemin ran away, not caring about the tears that were escaping his eyes.
he left the bedroom, haechan following him close.
"jaemin!" hanchant tried calling him.
but it was no use.
the human was already heading to the front door.
"jaemin!" he tried again.
haechan knew it was the end when he saw jaemin's hand gripping the handle.
and he knew he needed to act when he saw him opening the door to leave, and disappear from his life.
but he couldn't let him do that.
haechan knew how much jaemin loved donghyuck.
haechan knew how much jaemin hated him.
haechan knew how much jaemin was in pain now.
and haechan didn't want his angel to be in such pain because of him.
haechan could recall the first time jaemin appeared as his angel.
he could recall every second of their human/angel relationship.
every fight.
every problem.
every help jaemin gave him.
and he came to the conclusion that he had been the biggest bitch towards jaemin.
and it was time to change that.
despite his actions and sayings when jaemin was his angel, the human had started getting used to jaemin, to the point that he realized that he couldn't live without jaemin.
jaemin was always there to help him in school.
he was always the one to light up his cigarettes.
he was always locking his apartment door behind him.
and he was always there for him. even when haechan asked him to leave him alone.
but now, haechan didn't need jaemin anymore.
jaemin needed donghyuck.
and haechan had some donghyuck inside of him.
so, it was time for haechan to give back to jaemin what he had given him: help, and love.
haechan knew how much this name meant to jaemin.
he remembered it.
donghyuck was the only one allowed to use it.
this had an instant effect.
jaemin turned around, meeting eyes with haechan.
haechan looked at him back fondly, his heartbeat accelerating in his chest.
there was no turning back now, he had to become donghyuck.
"a-aren't you going to kiss me hello...?" he asked, tilting his head to the side as he gave jaemin the biggest toothy smile.
"d-donghyuck..." jaemin muttered, closing the door he had been wanting to open wide.
haechan took a few seconds to reply. "y-yes."
"donghyuck..." jaemin continued, taking a step forwards towards him.
"it's me." haechan continued, pushing is own personality away.
"yes, jaemin?"
"my boyfriend..."
haechan's heart missed a beat.
my boyfriend
this two words held so much pain, but so much love...
he couldn't back away now.
haechan didn't exist anymore.
he was donghyuck.
he was jaemin's boyfriend.
"your one and only boyfriend." he answered.
jaemin started crying again, as if the weight sitting on his shoulders had finally been removed.
a wide smile appeared on his face as he leant forwards, placing his wet lips on haechan's dry ones.
the kiss felt strange for haechan.
he wasn't used to receive such care.
the many flings he had had only kissed him for sex, hungrily, messily, and with no feelings involved.
but this time, this simple long-lasting kiss held so much love, so much care...
it made his heart flutter inside his chest.
so, this was what it felt?
they parted after long second, haechan's eyes staying closed for a bit longer as the kiss lingered on his lips.
he realized how awful he had been to such a lovable being.
he needed to push his hatred away now, and replace it by love.
he needed to learn to love jaemin.
but it wouldn't be too hard, considering that he had already started being attached to him.
"i missed you, nana." haechan spoke.
"it feels so good to have you back." jaemin replied, embracing haechan in a hug.
"it does." haechan nodded.
they stayed there, in front of the door, their bodies glued to one another as they tightened their embrace around each other.
it felt good.
haechan hoped it could last forever.
"i love you, jaemin." he said, not needing to force those words. it was as if they were natural, as if he truly meant them. because, he perhaps did...
"i love you too, donghyuck." jaemin replied, sending butterflies through haechan's stomach.
jaemin loved donghyuck not haechan.
but it didn't matter anymore.
haechan will love jaemin back. and haechan could be donghyuck.
haechan would become donghyuck. for the sake of his angel.
and that's how this complicated relationship finally settled.
no more angels...
no more demons...
simply humans.
and not sinNArs... but sÆnts.
Æ - the end - Æ
this is the real end of this very long ass ride!
it was my first nahyuck story, and i'm very glad that it was requested to me, because i had so much fun writing it, and i still enjoy re-reading it very much!
the ending was a very complicated part for me:
i had written an ending when i wrote the whole story.
and yesterday, when i published my chapter, i changed the ending, because someone had given me a better idea.
and this morning, just before telling myself that i needed to publish the ending, i had another idea that needed to be exploited, so i changed it again.
i'm still not sure it's the ending people will like the best, but i think it fits the story well, so i'll leave it like that.
thank you so much to all of you for the support, the comments, the votes.
i'm glad that this story gained so much attention, and that lots of you enjoyed it.
thanks again for everything
lots of love <3<3<3
and for the dojae (+ yuwin) shippers, i posted a new story :)
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