Æ - 24 - Æ
jaemin ran across the streets of the busy city as soon as he felt uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.
he knew this feeling too well.
it meant haechan was in danger.
haechan had already tried killing himself to catch jaemin's attention once.
what could assure jaemin he wouldn't try again?
right, he could never be sure.
which is why he is currently running where his heart leads him.
he had no intentions of seeing haechan anymore.
he just wanted to revive his boyfriend completely, and forget haechan forever.
but he needed the boy alive for that.
and knowing how reckless haechan was, jaemin would need to keep an eye on him until the head angel came to him.
jaemin pushed the door of haechan's house open, coughing at the sudden wave of smoke that had penetrated his lungs.
jaemin located the source of that small fire, throwing the flaming frying pan in the sink and wetting it considerably. haechan's food had been left on the stove and surely burnt, explaining the alarming feeling jaemin had felt.
however, despite stopping the fire, the feeling didn't die down.
worse, it felt more present than a few minutes before.
"haechan?!" jaemin called, walking towards his bedroom.
he slammed the door open, but there was no sight of the human.
the room was messy – even messier than usual – as if the boy had had a mental crisis.
"haechan, answer me!" jaemin yelled.
he could feel haechan being there.
but the boy never answered.
jaemin's last hope was the bathroom.
the angel rushed towards the closed door, trying to open it immediately.
however, haechan had locked the door from the inside.
"haechan, open the door!" jaemin hit the wooden surface hard.
jaemin gulped when he heard haechan's voice.
it was trembling. and it was unusually low and weak.
there was a hint of sadness in it too.
and that, added to the feeling in the pit of jaemin's stomach could only mean one thing: something bad was going to happen.
"haechan, open the damn door!" jaemin yelled.
"i said no!" haechan's voice replied with more force.
jaemin didn't think twice before kicking the doorknob with all his strength, forcing the door open.
he was met with a sight he hoped he would never see.
haechan was seated on the white-tiled floor, his back resting against the bathtub as his eyes were threatening to close on their own.
his sleeves were rolled up, allowing jaemin to see the dark red liquid he hated so much flowing out of his body, dirtying the previously clean bathroom.
"haechan!!" jaemin gasped, throwing himself to the nearest cabinet to find bandages and disinfectant.
"g-go out..." the boy answered with a tired voice.
"haechan, why are you doing this?!" jaemin ignored his protests, dropping on his knees next to the boy and opening the tap to pour water on the open wounds.
jaemin gulped, rubbing the many horizontal openings he had carved on each of his wrists.
he wasn't too worried about haechan's death at the moment.
he had come in in time, before too much blood could flood out.
and thankfully, haechan didn't know as much as himself in terms of committing murders and suicide. he would have been long dead otherwise.
"s-stop..." haechan whined, trying to pull his wrists away.
"no. you stop moving and let me heal you." jaemin replied sternly.
"you don't care about me. you care about donghyuck. let me live my life in peace."
"if you still didn't understand, you and donghyuck are the same person, meaning that if you kill yourself, he dies with you." jaemin spat, his grip on the boy's wrist tightening.
haechan started crying loudly, both of physical and mental pain.
he couldn't bear living like this anymore.
why couldn't he be assigned a demon?
why did he have to fall on jaemin?
why couldn't he live his life like he wanted to?
"i hate you." haechan said.
"i hate myself too. but sadly, i can't do anything about it." jaemin snorted, bandaging the boy's wrists.
"i wish i could die right now." haechan told, his head leaning back, as if he was almost passing out.
"so do i." jaemin sighed. "we have more common points than i expected us to have."
haechan didn't argue further.
his body was completely numb, and despite him being conscious, he allowed the angel to deal with his body like he wanted to.
he had no more strength to fight back.
plus, what was the point?
jaemin worked on disinfecting and bandaging the boy's wrists in silence.
he didn't really want to talk with his annoying human that seemed to put himself in danger on purpose.
"ouch... y-you're hurting me..." the human whined after a while.
"yeah, sorry." jaemin replied, not putting any ounce of sincerity in his apology. he simply unwrapped the bandage and wrapped it again less tightly than previously.
"i guess we're even now..." he continued talking.
"how so?" jaemin asked.
"we both saved each other from suicide..."
jaemin raised his head, looking into the human's eyes.
he found so much love and comfort there.
he didn't need to stare longer to understand what had happened.
donghyuck was back.
"h-hyuckie..." jaemin whispered.
"nana..." donghyuck smiled weakly.
jaemin let go his wrists and pulled the boy's body closer to his, wrapping his arms around donghyuck to hug him tight before kissing him deeply.
donghyuck let jaemin carry him around. he was too tired to do anything but kissing back.
"stay strong a bit more, baby... it's almost the end." jaemin whispered, planting a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead.
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