~Escape Plan #126~
What is good my Peeps, my name is ReddGlitch and Anna from Xx_YoutubeFanfics_xX we have been working on this for a while ands this is the first collabe I've actually posted. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to check her out if you haven't. We've also written our own OC POV.
My OC: Scarlett AKA Kishi (Kie Shi)
Her OC: Conna.
Welcome to! System Glitch.
Conna's POV
I was pushed to the ground."You're so disgusting, why do you have cat eyes?" Not an uncommon question on my part. "Why do you have to have a smart mouth" I say normally replying. "Whatever" I hear as i get thrown into my cold cell. Ugh I change back into my human form. That was my 15th attempt on trying to breakout but it still didn't work. 3 years I have been trying, 3 freaking years ugh... when will I get out. I walk around the cell trying to hear conversations or maybe hear other experiments talk. I run around the room looking at the claw marks I clawed. Welp I guess i'll add another one. After I do I start talking to the birds outside. The steel bars here is the only thing between me and the outside.
Turns out Mr and Mrs Jay are having a baby and they said if i get out i can come to the greeting. They have been some of the only people who communicated with me. Mr. Jay knows why I'm in here. I know sounds crazy I'm talking to birds oh ho ho. Well that's kind of the reason why I'm in here. I guess I should introduce myself.
I'm Conna Shawl
Age: 22 (and a half what Fight me)
Power: I can talk to animals and am an animal shape shifter
So yeah, I turn myself into a cat and cuddle up with myself and think. I was moved from C class to S they were moving me today. It's crazy. I can do nothing but turn into animals. Maybe there's more to my powers than I think. Maybe they know something I don't...
I shake my head then bury it into my knees."I'm never getting out if here." Being moved just means more experiments and harsher environments. At least I think...
Scarlet's POV:
"Ahh!" I screamed as I was shocked. I was so close! I was so fucking close! I fell off the wall I was climbing. They pulled me back into my cell. This was my 126 time trying. I've tried ever since I got here when I was ten."Why do you keep trying? It's never gonna work, we have cameras everywhere and having most of your powers taken away makes you useless." The man spat at me."Then why am I still here? I've been here for over 110 years. I'm over 126 years old now. Which makes me about 26 if I was normal.
Tears ran down my face and My demon side resisted to scream."You're still immortal along with 13 and 109. We need to figure out why and how we can help other people with it. You're for a great cause here. No subject understands that. The man slammed my cell shut.
My name's Scarlet but I go by Kishi
Age: 126
Power: Voice manipulation, demon side, Fire manipulation and immortal. I also have a retractable metal tail. I'm part cyborg.
I cried into my knees.
Then I hear the voice of a girl.
"I'm never getting out of here" she whimpered.
"Hello?" I asked.
Conna's POV:
"Hey" I responded, surprised to hear another voice through these walls.
"Can you hear me" she asked.
"Yes probably if I'm responding." I chuckled. She laughed back.
"I'm Conna" I said
"Scarlet people call me Kishi though"
"Alright then Kishi" I said.
"I'm going to shut up now people are coming" I say quickly but surely so she can understand.
"Alright should I try and listen?" she said.
"If you can yeah, I guess we both want to get out of here so we'll need to know about one another"I whispered frantically.
"Righto" she responded. And with that the door opened and my normal scientist entered.
"#13" I see the scientist who took care of me walked in.
"Lester" I slur his name not enjoying the fact that will occur.
"One question will you attack a new person" that's a stupid question.
"No why? I wouldn't have a reason too...Yet" I extract claws from my fingers. I hear a slight whimper behind the door and I cock my head to look.
"Come on out Mr.Howell" I see a man with brown hair walk into the room nervously. His white lab coat dragging behind him.
"Size too big Howell?" I joked. He cracked a smile but then returned his attention to Dr. Lester as he continued.
"Mr. Howell here will be helping me with your testing today" he said checking the clipboard in front of him.
"Oh great" I muttered. As he placed down the animal cage.
The Howell man said, "Why do we need that Dr. Lester?"
"You'll see in just a second boy" he responded
Dan's POV:
My eyes opened in mesmerization as experiment 13 turned into a dog and walked on in. She didn't too much like a normal dog though. Her eyes glowed a bright pink.
"Thank you for the presentation now let us go" the doctor said. I nodded and walked out of the room.
Oh god what is going to happen to this pretty lady, I-I mean experiment. Why am I feeling flustered? I don't know, I shut out those thoughts and kept on walking.
Scarlet POV
Oh, great a new guy. I say as I used my demon X-Ray to see past the wall. Just when I thought some people in the world had a heart. I hope Conna will be ok. I don't know how long people have been here but I know the things they've done. I was apart of almost everything they've done. They've killed me over 100 times. I'm sick of it. There's no point in being suicidal for me, so I learnt to live with it. I just do what they say. I don't fight them too much and they don't fight me.
I guess they're learning about pity and mercy.
It wasn't long till I hear my cell door open, Mark his name is walked in. He's the most gentle here. I'm lucky he's the one in charge of me. He stood in front of me with a happy look. One that I haven't seen in a long time. I know Mark started to care about me a while ago. He was nicer and he brought me better food than the others. He's the only one who calls me by my real name. And I let him."Kishi. You've been...you've been transferred to S class with me."
My eyes widened."R-really?!" I've always wanted to be in S class. They get to be more independent in using their powers and they're actually trusted. I heard they've even let some people go. I have a feeling my family is still waiting for me...
I stand up and stand in front of Mark. But he seemed a bit...scared."Mark...A-are you afraid of me?" I don't want to be one of them. Some people in S class do go crazy and eventually get put down. I don't want that."No, I just don't know how you'll cope. You can't get too comfortable in here. And since your in S class now, there's a chance you'll be let go and we'll have to teach you about the outside world. You won't try to escape this time will you?"
"Maybe not this year. And even if I do get out, I hope I we could still talk. You're like a father to me Mark and I could never be more grateful about having you take care me." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me."W-what are you doing?" I tensed up"This is a hug Scarlett." I felt warm and safe. I hugged him back."Thank you Mark."
We pulled back and started to walk. I had slight smile on my face.
I was trapped in my thoughts as we walked. S class was on the other side of the building on the top floor.
Word count:1422
We already have about two or three chapters ready. Prepare yourself!
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