SECTION 1: CHAPTER 1 | "Bonding."
Time Bomb sat upon a cushioned chair, gazing upon the daylight, admiring the sunrays. She was glad to finally have some peace. Fae was always annoyed from her foresight, always warning her about dangers.. maybe she'd have a day of peace.
Birds chirped from the small branches of nearby trees, clouds following the sky behind.
"Hey!" A voice called out, catching Time Bomb's attention. A wave of grey-ish purple smoke clouded her view, preventing her from seeing far. It was a mysterious object staring back at her, but Time Bomb was really unable to identify it.
"Y-Yeah?" Time Bomb answered, trying to shoo away the smoke. She looked above, seeing grey clouds cover the sky, purple lightning scattering around as the grey clouds crash into each other.
Time Bomb was afraid.
"I'll be back!" The mysterious object yelled out, still standing upon the fog and lightning. "F-From where?" Time Bomb asked, still trying to shoo away the fog. At that current moment, the Bomb's foresight started triggering. Fae's yellow eye opened and showed a countdown from three seconds.
From afar, the object started to shapeshift; growing taller and more deformed, making a intimidating growl as it looms over Time Bomb.
"FROM HERE!!!" The object roared, lunging at the bomb as It's torso detaches, their claws unsheathed and pointed towards faer. Fae's eyes widened in fear, preparing herself for a unplanned attack.
Time Bomb sat up in her bed, beeping and panicking from the scare. She breathed heavily, slowly but surely stopping as she just seemed to realize it was just a dream; another one of her nightmares, that is.
Fae groaned, laying back down onto the comfort of her bed as she stared up at the wooden ceiling, "Why didn't this stop already..? This is the third time..." She mumbled, covering her face with her hands in annoyance and fear, knowing she wouldn't stop her ability any time soon. She was starting to think this was a curse now, hence the constant nightmares and occasional headaches, but fae unfortunately doesn't know how to get rid of it, and continues her suffering.
She's lucky she's still alive, knowing she's not gonna get rid of her ability any time soon. Fae gets out of faer bed, hearing a soft knock on her door. She sighs, going towards the doorway of her dorm, "..It's probably Moony, isn't it..?" She assumed, knowing Moony was known for stealing ideas.. she's not the best out of the others.
But as Time Bomb opened the door, she found nobody standing outside. She glanced around, confused of who knocked on her door, she almost seemed to think this was a silly game. "Hahaha, I get it, come out now." She spoke out sarcastically, wanting someone to reveal themselves. A brief moment goes by, before a yellow object pops out into the doorway. It was Cone, come to greet Time Bomb in a enthusiastic manner like he always does.
"Heya, ticking bomb fuse-!"
Time Bomb screamed in fear, startled upon seeing Cone peek out of the doorway. Cone also backed away, giggling out of surprise.
"Cone!!! I told you not to scare me like that again-!" Time Bomb scolded, getting a little angered. She sighed, facepalming herself in the face as Cone redirected his attention away out of embarrassment. "I know, I knowww.." Cone replied, looking away with a playful smirk.
"Anyway! Good morning, I just wanted to check up on you!" Cone spoke out, curious of how Time Bomb is. She rolled her eyes in reply, "I'm fine, Cone." She stepped out of her dorm, beckoning for Cone to follow.
"Though, I just had this weird and.. oddly scary dream, I dunno what really happened." She started, mentioning about the weird and intimidating dream she had when she just woke up.
"Ooo?" Cone chirped in interest, "I wanna know, I wanna know!! Please, please?!" He begged, moving in front of Time Bomb and walking back.
As Time Bomb and Cone walk aside each other, Cone accidentally bumps into another object. The object has a rectangular shape, almost in the shape of a TV. the object turned around, looking similar to a captions logo that you'd normally see in TV broadcasts..
The object "snarled," subtitles appearing near them in a bold font and scaring Cone. "Eep! Eheh.. uhh.. sorry, Subs.." Came Cone's quick apology, moving out of the way quickly.
The object stomped past Cone and Time Bomb, going into their room and slamming the door shut with their legs. Time Bomb gave a confused glare at Cone, who was just as concerned, "..What's up with Captions?" She asked, pointing over to Captions' door.
"Not sure, she's been a little moody recently," Cone replied, "Dunno why."
"..Do you think we should talk to her?" Time Bomb asked,
"No, last time I tried she acted like she was insane, that's why I also have my arms amputated." Cone replied in a oddly casual tone, as if it was normal for him to talk about. Time Bomb paused, taken aback. "...Oh."
"....Do I even need to ask why-?"
Cone quickly replied, "No.
Anyway, let's continue on." Cone insisted, walking off with Time Bomb following hesitantly behind.
Things were getting weird here recently. First it was the constant nightmares, now it's Cone's absence of arms. What's going on..?
"...So uh.. about the dream thing," Time Bomb spoke up, immediately grabbing Cone's attention. "Hm?"
"It was starting off normal at first, but some weird cube keeps appearing in my dreams. They mention they'd be back, but I can't really tell what. The one I just had makes me think they're mad at me." Time Bomb replied, feeling intimidated at the thought of something haunting her possibly hunting her down from her nightmares.
"Huh.. that's.. weird.." Cone thought out, "Does it happen often?" Cone asked with concern, feeling confused and just as nervous as Time Bomb.
"Probably? I mean, it happens every once in a few weeks or something but that's just it." Time Bomb replied.
"Hm. Well, I dunno how to think about that one.. I'll tell you if I have a idea, okay?" A caring tone came out of Cone's mouth as he reassured Time Bomb, who seems to take his word for it, "..Okay."
Time Bomb replied, nodding over to Cone. "...Thanks."
Captions sat on her bed, curled up near the wall as she sulked in anger, recalling the time she ended up hurting Cone. She grumbled, turning to a nearby mirror and seeing her reflection.
She saw herself, staring back with a blank gaze. She seems very emotionless, it's almost uncanny.
Static crept up on them, their vision getting out of control for a bit before eventually stopping to a knock on her door.
Captions turned to her door, to see a brown-ish football standing on the other side. They were holding a unconscious object, which seemed to look like a pair of antennae.
"Hi Captions.." Football greeted with a soft tone in his voice, carrying the unconscious object near her. Captions tensed up a bit, wondering what Football might want.
I want you to meet someone I've created; this is Antenna. He's a mechanical mind, much like you. I figured you two would get along before I set him off, Hm?" Football lifted Antenna near Captions, who still tensed up a bit.
Captions looked in curiosity, curious of how Football would intend on using him. "Oh, well I was intending on selling him.. y'know, this place isn't free."
Captions looked away nervously, knowing the same is gonna happen to her eventually, just like everyone else. Football notices her nervousness and spoke up about it. "..You nervous...? It's fine, I can pay for you if we get enough."
He reassured, smiling warmly at Captions. She smiled back, as Football walked out the door.
He paused, beckoning Captions to come along. ".. C'mon." Football invited, quickly getting Captions to tag along.
Football and Captions stepped down the stairs to what looked like a secret basement.
Captions looked ahead, as she saw a door leading to a laboratory. Football opened the door inside and walked in, waiting for Captions to follow behind. Of course, Captions did follow behind.
Inside was a full laboratory, full of science-related projects, items and more. Football walks to a table and sets Antenna down.
"Now, to bring him to life."
Captions watches from afar as Football grabs a button and presses it, as purple-ish electricity sparks around the metal antennae. That is, until the electricity sparks at the dark grey base, startling Antenna awake.
Antenna's electricity sprung to life, shocks scattering around every corner. Fae screeched in fear and pain, before settling down and looking over at the two in shock, "Eugh... Where am I?" Antenna weakly asked as he saw Football and Captions in the distance. His electricity twitched and sparked as he spoke, his voice sounding like a old computer's voice chip.
"Hello, Antenna!" Football stepped up towards Antenna, introducing himself, "I am your creator, Football."
"Foot.. ball...?" Antenna echoed, starting to get familiar with his creator's voice. Captions stepped up behind Football, staring at Antenna with wary curiosity.
Antenna looks ahead of himself and sees Captions cowering behind Football. He gets off of the table, sneaking up towards her. She backed away, of course..
"Don't be afraid, Captions," Football reassured her, "He's harmless, I made sure of that."
Captions looked at the small antenna, still wary about faer's intentions.
"Hello!" Antenna replied, curious and in a innocent tone of voice.. "Are you here to.. y'know, do whatever Football wants you to do...?"
Suddenly, Antenna's eyes shut off, falling to the ground in front of her. Captions' eyes widened as she looked to the side and sees Football, who had deactivated Antenna. "Well, I guess that's a good start."
Football stepped up to Antenna and grabbed him, holding him gently as he set him back down onto the table.
"I know, I know, I just don't want him to realize what we're even doing," he chuckled. "It's best to keep it a secret."
Captions rolled her eyes, stepping back.
"Yes you may. Uhm.. so, I've heard you've been getting headaches recently?"
"Is there.. any particular reason why?"
Captions paused, looking down for a moment then back at Football,
"...Hm. Do we need to get you checked out..?"
"Well, I'll let you rest for a while. I'll try and ask Anchor about that to see if he can help." He offered towards Caption, patting her on the head as she started to walk off towards the door.
Football watches as Captions opens the door, turning back towards him, [...THANKS.]
Football nodded in reply, as Captions left the room, the door is left open in case Football wanted to exit too. Once she was out of his sight, he sighed, leaving the room as well with Antenna in containment.
Alrighty, the prologue is done! I'm very proud of this and it took a few days, considering I'm getting 1912 words.
Anywho, welcome to System Control!! This is a story that's actually serious, and goes alongside Exclamation Mark and The Clones (EMaTC.) I really hope y'all enjoy this story so far!
The next chapter is a continuation so I hope things go well!
I just realized Time Bomb didn't get as much time as I wanted her to, but that's fine- Anyway, see y'all in the next chapter!
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