Chapter 2- Mice in a Maze
Warning: From this point on Your choices WILL affect the fate of your characters, and your characters ARE capable of dying beyond this point. Choose wisely and work together if you wish to escape. If your character dies at any point you are welcome to create another and pick up from where the story left off. Certain choices may lead to an instant death, you could consider these the 'Bad ending.' This story is obviously an interactive one and one that contains a bit of realism, so if your character dies from your choices do not take out your anger on me. As this is a situation that is quite literally a life or death situation and in the real world you must make choices and not all of them lead to a happy ending. Continuing beyond this point mean you have read and agree to these terms and understand that I, depending on the choices you choose can instant kill or auto hit a character. Also understand that as a group the actions of one may sometimes affect the lot of you.
After a Scientist had come in to offer her help to the restless and infuriated experiments she had proceeded to leave again. She claimed to be seeking out inside help from those among the lab but who knew how true her words were. All you knew was that she gave you a means to escape your cages after deactivating the cages' abilities to suppress each experiments cages this didn't however, stop the cuffs that remained around the wrists of some.
With your freedom just insight your thoughts are crowded with the thoughts of a life beyond this cruel isolation, beyond this pain, but you couldn't help but to worry, how?.... how were you going to make a living out there? How were a bunch of experiments supposed to live? Many of you having specifics that were essential to your survival. Some of you regularly needed water, some of you couldn't even touch water, some of you need a regular diet of metal. Where would you go? Even beyond the ignorance of wishing your family might accept you again, you knew they wouldn't, you knew you'd die alone out there. Survival out there, was definitely going to be harder than in here, but it was a sacrifice you'd have to make to escape this pain, to escape the very place that fuel your nightmares. This facility provided all your needs despite the horrible treatment it dealt you. For each of you this place held a different value, as much as you'd hate to admit it, this place was your home for several years, for others, many years. They treated you like lab rat but you were, moderately cared for and it wasn't as if you were regularly punished like that of the ravagers. To be completely honest you knew full well the only reason you had been electrocuted so much was each time you didn't comply, and you knew had to complied from the start this place would have brought much less pain. However well this place took care of you, however didn't excuse the painfully excruciating pain you felt from each and ever mutation as your body daily, attempted to reject the chemical and DNA that didn't belong in it.
Honestly who knew what this dreadful place held for your future if you DIDN'T leave, maybe they'd attempt to breed you like animals, mass produce each of you an create an entire mutant army to submit to their will. You had no idea what the future held for you but from today on you knew your future just got a lot brighter. Now the quest that remained before you was to establish your escape, to make your escape from this h3ll whole of a place, this Maze of a laboratory. With the limited knowledge of your guide you knew you'd likely be like Mice in a Maze, and you knew some of you wouldn't make it out, some of you wouldn't make it out in one piece but you HAD to seize the opportunity while it presented itself or it may never return.
As you began to make your escape from each of your cages the intercom came on once again. Again you heard the smooth and silky voice of the laboratory assistant. This time it held a sort of saddened tone as she revealed to each of you within the caged room that more experiments existed, that here resided another group of much younger experiments that needed your help to make their escape.
Now it was up to you to help theses small children, to save them of the life you held here in this lab, to save them from the cruelty their young and innocent hearts did not deserve, but the choice was yours. It was up to you whether you helped them or not. How do you fair? Would you rather save your own skin and let the children suffer? or would you rather help them even if it may cost you your life, or your freedom?
Experiments, which side to you stand on? Choose your path.
Whatever path you choose who will rise up to be the leader? Who is a beast? and who remains human? The answer, is within the hearts of each of you. Choose your path wisely Experiments, and let naught the pain of your past and the thrill of your future confuse you, let not the cruelty of man cloud your judgement, let not your greed consume you. Lets yourself submit unto your team, only in sacrificing your individual motives and focusing on a unified goal will you ever succeed in your attempts. Before you lie may obstacle, puzzles, challenges. With courage each of you must face, your path head on, let not doubt into the hearts of the pure and stay true to your goal. This is my advice to you, do with it as you will, and let your choices determine your fate.
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