Woozi: Hoshi, guess what?
Woozi: I sang, and recorded it.
Woozi: Maybe you don't give a shit anymore... [04:05AM]
Woozi: I stayed up all night mixing it, why I'm texting so late
Woozi: Or early, whatever... [04:06AM]
Woozi: But do you still want to hear it?
Woozi: Do you even still care? [04:07AM]
Woozi: Hoshi, I thought I saw you outside the window for a second. [05:23AM]
Woozi: I hope it's you, because if it's not... I could be on the verge of getting robbed. [05:23AM]
Hoshi: ur not. [05:24AM]
My eyes widened, and I looked out the window again. I had basically camped out in the theater, had a blanket and pillow and everything while I made myself comfortable in the office chair. I was too tired to go home, I probably would have fallen asleep on the way, I'd been awake for what felt like 5 days, but was probably more like 22 hours.
The window wasn't all that big, and there was only one in the whole of the room. There wasn't much need for a window in a studio, since background noise come through it, and that kind of thing could very easily end up on a track. So the window didn't open, and it wasn't really all that easy to look out of, the window being toward the ceiling and me being...
So as much as I was tired as hell, and was nearly delirious, the sight of someone outside the window had woken me up so fast that I was immediately willing to get out of the chair and look outside to see if it was Hoshi.
I hadn't seen Soonyoung in a long time. And with that, I seriously realized that I had no friends. I hadn't really talked to anyone, I didn't go anywhere with anyone, I just stayed at home until today when I worked up the nerve to try an record something.
I walked out into the dark theater, the rows of seats blurring together in the dark, their outlines looking like rows and rows of tombstones in the dark. I could hear the wind whistling through some slight opening in the distance, the curtains moving slightly on the stage, confirming my thoughts that the place had a bad draft.
I tentatively took a step out further, walking out into the aisles between the rows of seats, looking from side to side, trying to look down each row of seats. My heart was hammering against my ribcage, and the room sounded like a low bellowing, which didn't help the situation at all. Should I see anything down any of those rows, I was probably going to die of a heart attack the way my heart was racing.
"Hello? Is any--?"
I was stopped suddenly by a hand gripping my shoulder, and I immediately yelled out, only for whoever it was to put a hand over my mouth and pull me down to the floor.
My already fast heartbeat sky-rocketed with panic for a full minute.
"Woozi! Calm your tits! Jesus."
I could kill him. I could just kill him. I missed him, and was happy to see him, but I could kill him.
Short chapter, but I wanted to update O_O lmao~~
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